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"Hello, Central!" People Scoff At The Truth. As I Can Not Argue With Them, I Just Tell Them To Do What They Want With It

Patrick H. Bellringer

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having found your

articles.yes,I have done some more reading since,but the above article i have printed and given to a few people.

As i can not argue with them,i just tell them,to do what they want with it,i know what i do with them.

I thought, by letting you know,there is love going out from me to all of you who get this most importend news out

to searchers like me,and there must be many more,who most likely never write to you.So,please know,we need

you and bless and thank you from our hearts.Like you,in my small circle,yes,I am the mad one,who believes in all this stuff.How much worse must it be for you?May your future be truly one of joy everlasting,sincerely

WD .


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: January 17, 2005


Dear WD:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds, and thank you for presenting Truth to those around you. They may not believe you now, but having planted the "seed", Creator God assures us that the seed of Truth shall bear fruit at some time, maybe even in another lifetime.

Yes, the Darkside attacks the Truthbringers, but we are protected, if we but ask Creator God for such protection. It matters not what people say when you know in your heart that you are right. Truth always wins over the Lie! May you stand strong in the White Light of God's protection, and always find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
