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"Hello, Central!" I Can Hardly Hold My Emotions. Now That We Have Four More Years Of Bush, When Are We Going To Get Some Help?02-02-05

Patrick H. Bellringer

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years of Bush, et al and what I read here when are we going to get some help?? I'm having a hard time my friend and I'm trying to find "the light" at the end of the tunnel!!



----- Original Message -----

From: BuzzFlash

To: GM

Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 8:21 AM

Subject: Today's Top 5 Headlines on

Today's Top Five Headlines on

How is the Corporate Run Media Different Then the Old Soviet Media? The Corporate Mega Media Companies Make a Profit. "4 Networks Reject Ad Opposing Bush on Lawsuits"

Paid-Off Journalists, Phony Video News Releases, Republican Propaganda TV Like FOX News And the Planting of Partisan Questioners at Faux News Conferences: The Old Soviet Union or America Under Bush? You Guess. Read This Media Matters Letter.

Our Soldiers Will Continue Dying. Iraqi President: U.S. Troops Should Stay. 2/1

A group of hardline officials known as “nuclear hawks” is being promoted in a shake-up of the Bush administration's arms control and non-proliferation teams 2/1

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"Axis of Evil: Perforated Praeter Naturam" Book & DVD

BuzzFlash Recommendation:

Amidst the propaganda "McHeadlines" of the mainstream media, it is almost impossible to think about the context of how we have been misled and deprived of our rights as Americans by the Bush Cartel -- all in the name of fighting the "evil doers."

Just in time for the Holidays comes along a limited edition (5,000 copies) printing of an art/philosophy book entitled "Axis of Evil" that in word and provocative image explores the historical and artistic interpretation of the concept of evil.

The book is accompanied by a dazzling DVD that, through interviews with artists, philosophers, and writers, explores the nature of evil as a historical concept.

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: February 1, 2005


Dear GM:

Each of us has the choice of being influenced by the Darkside's evil chaos, war and destruction and lying media, or of listening to that still small voice within. Our thought-power activated through our God Spirit is the most powerful force in the world/universe/Cosmos. Our thought-power is the power behind Creation.

Through thought we can communicate with the Lighted Realms and Creator God, and know all Truth. Truth brings wisdom, and wisdom brings discernment, knowingness and stability. Having Truth, we become as a rock in the rapids of the river of time. We are not influenced by the river of darkness rushing by, because we know Truth. We also know that by adding more rocks to the river, we can change the river's course. We can change the river of human history into a new course of goodness and love and Truth.

That, my friend, is what we are doing to this old evil world. We are changing the course of human history, and defeating the darkness. Stand strong a bit longer Send out positive energy, and it will come back to you in multiple amount. Ask your Guardian Angels to help you, and most importantly, go within and get the answers you seek. Use your great prayer (thought) power to remove the darkness from your space, and fill it with Light.

Not even the greatest "river" can move us, for we are the "rocks of Gibraltar". Know that doubt and fear provide fuel for the Darkside but Love, compassion and Truth diffuse their negativity, and leave them powerless. The Light has won on Planet Earth! Victory is here!

Hold the Fort until reinforcements arrive. The starships are about to land. Then Truth will be made known worldwide, and we shall have peace on earth. We shall have happiness, freedom, abundance and pure joy. Know in your heart that the Light has won!

Hold that thought!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
