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"Hello, Central!" I Am Disappointed. The NESARA Announcement Failed Again. Why Did This Happen? My Faith Is Sorely Shaken!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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(knowing in advance the time and date) and do their utmost to prevent it? They have succeeded - yet again. Were not the personnel designated to do the announcement protected? Were not systems in place to prevent any interference? Elementary precautions, but clearly not carried out.

One's faith has been sorely shaken, and credibility in the whole project undermined with such simple oversights. Or was it all a ruse to fool us and the darkside, whilst other behind the scenes work is finalised?

In Light and Love



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 18, 2005


Dear DC:

You are not alone in your disappointment, for NESARA would bring such needed relief for so many people. The Forces of Light are not naive in their plans and actions. You will be astounded when you learn what has been happening behind the scenes to snatch Earth Shan from the clutches of the Darkside. Even the recent attempt by the Darkside to fry this planet and her people to a crisp by igniting the Van Allen Belt, as they did to Mars, has been totally stopped by the Force of Light.

On Friday, April 15, 2005 the Ascended Masters knew that the Darkside would try to stop the NESARA announcement, so they laid their plans well to trap the Darkside one last time. The kidnapping/hostage taking attempt was foiled and the perpetrators were removed forever from our planet. Those who gave the orders are under lock-down and are now deciding their fate. These last few moments of darkness are all about "sorting" and learning final lessons.

Know that victory is here! NESARA is here! It is not a question of the Forces of Light being weak or planning poorly. They act in wisdom for the greatest good of all. The outcome of a few days delay will benefit our whole planet greatly in the times ahead. When you know the whole story of what is happening now, you will understand and appreciate the Divine help we have been given, and the delays these past few days.

Creator God is in control, and nothing can stop the arrival of our Golden Age in these next few days. We, too, have lessons to learn in patience, endurance, wisdom and bravery. There are no oversights. Creator God does not make mistakes. All is in Heaven's perfection and perfect timing.

My brother, keep hope and faith alive. Crank up the positive energy, for that is how we win over the negative Darkside. Together we Walk the King's Highway of Truth and Love. Can you believe it? NESARA now, and Sananda's Second Coming with all the Star Nations well before June 30, 2005? This is what we have worked and waited for all these years---and lifetimes! Are you excited or ARE YOU EXCITED?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: DC

To: Cactus

Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 11:19 PM

Subject: RE: Nesara's (non) announcement.

Thank you, Patrick, for your prompt reply in what must be incredibly busy times for you. My email was sent more in disappointment than annoyance, as my faith in NESARA's eventual announcement never failed - just not seeing it happen on the 15th (16th here in Australia) was acutely frustrating.

Yes, I am excited, and counting myself amongst the lucky 0.01% of humanity privileged to know about it in advance! The look on peoples faces soon will be a joy to behold!

In Light and Love

