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"Hello, Central!" I'm A Desperate Man! I'm Losing Ground! I'm Running Out Of Energy, Waiting For NESARA! Can You Fill Me Up? 04-23-05

Patrick H. Bellringer

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t tell a concrete date...

For over 20 months I'm awaiting NESARA and their consequences.. - in spite of many disappointments in between - I tried to hold my energy - but now I'm losing ground..

Often I read that St. Germain could be asked for help and often I tried to - but he didn't answer - but I hold my energy.. - maybe I didn'd understand or even hear.. but why do I know about when I'm not able to?

I'm in a happy familiar situation and my influence to other people may be great but I DO NEED A SIGN.. Oh I want it so much to be started and I sent my energies for mental-light-and-love-support to announce Nesara every time I was able to but now I'm getting out of energy.. please refill it...

Pardon my bad english - I don't do it so often - just schoolish..

from Germany


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 22, 2004


Dear R:

Thank you for your letter. How long do we hold the positive energy about NESARA? Answer: For as long as it takes! Brother R, you are a great soul! We are all returned Masters, and before coming back, we agreed to help our Mother Gaia and her people in their transition into fifth dimension.

We are here for the long haul. We are here, also, for our own lessons in the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity, along with patience and love. Remember, you are what you think. You create by thought all that you experience. If you think you are losing ground, you are! If you think you are gaining ground and getting stronger, you are! Whatever we think, either positive or negative, we are provided that energy to accomplish it.

The Darkside thrives on negative energy. They win when we "feed" them our negative energy of doubt and fear. Then they win. If we "feed" them hope and happiness and love, they lose big time.

We all wish to have a sign from Heaven that we are winning, but we all have such a sign within. Our God Spirit within knows all. What is your God Spirit telling you? I assure you that I know that we are winning. We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers and rulers of Darkness.

This is a spiritual war, a thought war, and we are wining through our positive energy of thought. You can ask Germain or any of the Ascended Masters for help. In quietness meditate and focus your thoughts on the one to whom you wish to communicate. In your thoughts address that one by name and ask your question. Then listen for an answer that will return through your thoughts to you. What are you thinking? Write it down so as not to forget. Maybe the answer will come later to you, like a light bulb turning on in your mind.

Ask Creator God for whatever it is you need to walk your pathway. If you need energy, ask for it. If you need love, ask for it. If you need hope, ask for it. It is that simple. Creator God is equal to the task. Ask, believing and you shall have it.

I do know that NESARA is here. NESARA has been announced in Russia and four other countries already, and evil governments are being ousted. The announcement of NESARA in the United States is now a matter of only days or even hours away. Victory is here, and victory will happen in Germany in short order.

Creator God is in charge, and He has decreed that we shall have peace, freedom and prosperity, now! Creator God has decreed that Sananda Immanuel shall have his "Second Coming" this year, 2005, well before June 30th. Before that happens we must have NESARA done worldwide and First Contact made to prepare the people for the Second Coming. It will be a big "bash" of joy and happiness as our friends and relatives from 200 Star Nationsland on Earth Shan and join in the celebration.

Our task is to "Hold the Fort" for as long as it takes. My brother, that is not long, now!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
