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"Hello, Central!" I Would Appreciate Your Feedback On The Statis Of The NESARA Announcement

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Would appreciate your feedback on anything which could be usefully added, for any part of the world (principally in English, as I still have problems loading some languages or type styles such as cyrillic ).

Now that the Pope is (almost) no longer newsworthy, we need the NESARA announcement before they think about another war in order to fill the news stories (as well as the empty coffers).



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: April 19, 2005


Dear MM:

Today, the world waits for the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) to be implemented in the United States of America by a formal public announcement. Last Friday, April 15, 2005 at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA the planned public announcement was stopped by a hostage taking event orchestrated by certain Darkside persons of the U.S. Government. The plan to kill ten of the main announcement presenters and president and vice--president designates was foiled and the hostages were recovered. The plan was to kill these ten people and create another 9/11 terrorist-type incident to either delay the announcement or to stop it permanently.

The people involved in the NESARA announcement at CNN were well protect by 5D Star People, for it was anticipated that there would be interference by the Darkside. This interference was allowed for the "sorting out" of the Dark Ones, and for the lessons learned by all involved.

The Star People "beamed" the hostages to safety aboard their Starship overhead, and then "beamed" the perpetrators to a separate location. Because of the physical difficulty of a low frequency person going through a higher frequency beam of light, these perpetrators are now quite dead and off our planet at this time. The hostages suffered some physical and mental problems, but after treatment by the Starship's medical staff and three days of rest, are now well recovered from their experience.

Everyone at CNN now understands the importance of NESARA and the seriousness of their tasks. They know who is in charge and who is not, and that there will be no new plan. They will proceed forward quickly and NESARA will happen now!

Creator God is in charge, and all is proceeding according to Heaven's Plan. We have reached the end of the Age of Darkness on our planet, Earth Shan, and NESARA is our first step into our Golden Age of Peace and Abundance and Freedom. NESARA is not months or weeks away, but shall be publicly announced in the U.S. momentarily. Keep the positive energies of hope and faith alive, and know in your heart that victory is here! Our world is about to change dramatically into goodness and Light!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
