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"Hello, Central!" When Will NESARA Be In Mexico?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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your website is something like water in the desert.

all my prayers are for you and the light_workers.

i hope you understand me.

sorry my english.

PD i see you in the startship!, if you talk with sananda say hello for me


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 19, 2005


Dear HC:

Thank you for your letter and your kind thoughts about our work at Fourwinds. You have said in nine words what most of us could not say in many pages of writing.

"Your website is something like water in the desert."

We are honored to be allowed to present Truth at this end of the Age of Darkness in a desert of lies, and it is your prayers and the prayers of many others that has helped to make this possible.

Mexico is no different than most countries of our world today. Corruption, poor jobs, poverty, desease, homelessness and drug use are everywhere. The Darkness has spread to the smallest and farthest communities on our planet. Because people like you have prayed to Creator God for help, the Light has come. The Forces of Light are here, and yes, they will soon be landing in their starships in Mexico and everywhere on Earth Shan.

The NESARA announcement shall be made on CNN Worldwide and ABC, and maybe on other TV networks. This NESARA law may have been "born" in the United States, but it has now been expanded to include many other countries, and eventually it will have great positive impact upon our entire world.

If you want a starship to land in your neighborhood, just ask them to do so. Go within and send a prayer to Esu Immanuel (Jesus Christ) Sananda, who is in charge of our earth's transition, or any of the Ascended Masters or Forces of Light or Creator God. They hear your thoughts, and you can hear theirs. Ask a question in your mind and listen for an answer in your thoughts. By this way you can, also, say "hello" to Sananda yourself.

Your English is fine and I understand you well. Stay strong and know that the Light has won. One day soon, my brother, we shall meet.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
