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"Hello, Central!" First Contact Is A Misnomer, The Timing Of NESARA Is Subject In Part To Freewill, And Worldwide Suffering Is Misunderstood!

Patrick H. Bellringer

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is worthwhile. Deciding to abandon a long term career and actually live the reality that oneself can manifest enough to provide basic needs without becoming a burden upon society has not been an easy path. The rewards for doing so however, include the time to absorb much of the material presented over the past decade. Recognizing when an author presents truth instead of illusion with the potential of becoming reality is not as difficult as some perceive. It seems to me, to be a function of the flexibility for one's paradigm of how things are, which allows the heart and mind to cooperate in determining such.

When I first read Phoenix Journal #2, I remembered ideas for stories I could have written that were of curious similarity to the actual account given. There have also been many times throughout this life aspect where I engaged in mental conversation, a wordless trading of whole concepts. Thus I suggest to others that this event which has been named first contact, is a misnomer. It should be referred to as simultaneous mass contact. Simply put, in retrospect it will be seen as part of a process that has been ongoing. There really isn't a moment which can be designated after the fact as first, since the event will surface memories for everyone. People will quickly recall thoughts they had which parallel what will be expressed. Therefore it will be understood that communication has many forms, and each will receive in the manner they are most comfortable with. My personal preference is to hear the announcement aloud "out of thin air" in my native language. Of course I realize this would not be appropriate for everyone, so obviously some will have to "stay tuned for a special report" from the broadcast media.

As I am not in a position to give much in the form of money, I give written words instead. So permit me please to help preempt some negative feedback to Bellringer's Corner. For those who would complain that this Bush administration has endured longer than the month of former president William Harrison, you need to look again at exactly what was said. By way of Matthew through Suzanne Ward on January 17th. 2005, "... this 'term' will be among the shortest presidential reigns in US history". So it was not necessarily going to break Harrison's or even Garfield's record. For those who would complain that since there have already been attempts to announce NESARA then there must be no longer any specific time constraints, you need to consider that NESARA is only a piece of a bigger picture. NESARA is not everything, it represents a catalyst and a legal basis for rapid change. Although there arise specific moments where all is coordinated to the degree necessary to invoke a quantum shift in mass consciousness, the exact time is subject to random fluctuations due in part to the nature of free will. For those who would complain that Aton should not permit worldwide suffering, you haven't seen the life contracts of those involved. Can you begin to understand the love for this planet when someone will agree to take the role of victim of destruction? Every soul that adds this to their pool of experience has become a master of intent. This is a very special place and time. For each person here today, there are millions of souls who would gladly endure pain simply to be a part of the unique closure of the grand experiment from the physical perspective.

Those who do not already know what they are entrusted to do, are simply encouraged to remain patient and be ready to choose an action momentarily. For now, just help the process with your love of what is to be.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: March 16, 2005


Dear AW:

Thank you for your letter. It is true that some of us have already had our "first contact", and for us this phrase is a misnomer. For those who are spiritually asleep the landing of starships enmasse on our planet will be a serious wake-up call! You are quite right. First Contact will really be a "first simultaneous mass public contact" on Earth Shan, as the starships have been landing on our planet since its' creation, and many people have already experienced "contact".

The formal public announcement of NESARA was attempted twice in January, 2005 and then again on March 11, 2005. These attempts were stopped by sabotage done to the U.S. Public Broadcasting System, which was to be used for the announcement. That system has now been abandoned, and the decision has been made to use CNN worldwide for the NESARA announcement to be done, yet, this month.

Freewill is always a factor impacting "Heaven's Plans", even when Divine intervention is allowed. Again, you are right. Contracts must be honored and lessons in soul growth must be learned, if we are to honor "Heaven's" intent for our time. Only then do we truly accomplish all that we planned to accomplish in this last Grand Experiment.

Yes, many of us are impatient, and many of us complain about the continual suffering of so many people. Some people have learned their lessons and are anxious to get on with the cleansing and rebalancing of Earth Shan. Others are still learning their lessons of patience and endurance, and some are ignorant of such spiritual concepts.

To understand the suffering is to understand the contracts in soul growth that were made between those who suffer and Creator God, prior to their present lifestream. We must, also, consider that many Lightworkers are just plain tired and need a break. They have kept the faith and have lived their lives according to the four great virtues of wisdom, bravery, fortitude and generosity. They have peace and joy within, knowing that positive change is finally here.

Thank you, my brother, for your gift of wise words to us. May your future be as bright as Heaven allows.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
