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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" Many Lightworkers Are Confused About The Contradicitory Information On The Blue Beam Project, World War III, The Alien Presence and NESARA. Can You Help?

"Hello, Central!" We Are Lightworkers In Peru And Want To Know More About NESARA. Can You Tell Us?

"Hello, Central!" Why Does The Catholic Church Never Mention Reincarnation, And Why These Physical Changes Through Which I Am Going?

"Hello, Central!" Historically Was Mankind Guided Away From Scientific Knowledge And Is Now Being Guided Back To Such Truth? If So, By Whom?

"Hello, Central!" Same Sex Relationships Were Meant To Be. Are We Not To Love Everyone?

"Hello, Central!" Would You Write A Brief Composition/Interpretation On "Future Creation And The Interval Of Non-Time" As Discussed In Phoenix Journal #21?

"Hello, Central!" What Is Your Evaluation Of This Article?

"Hello, Central!" Why Is Christ Michael Called "Creator God?" Is Creator Source Different Because He Is Omnipotent?

"Hello, Central!" Our Star Friends Take One Step Forward And Three Back. What Are Their Psychic And Physical Abilities?"

"Hello, Central!" The Devastating Terrorist Attack In London (July 7, 2005) Absolutely Makes No Sense. What Is Going On?

"Hello, Central!" I Am Skeptical About NESARA. Can You Answer My Questions?

"Hello, Central!" When Gays Say, "God Created Me This Way", That Is A Bit Of A "Stretch", Right?

"Hello, Central!" Will All The Strong Religious People, Like Mormons, Who Remain Faithful To Their Beliefs, Remain In 3D"

"Hello, Central!" It Is Unbelievable That The Second Coming Would Be Talked About On The Internet. It Is So Hard To Believe

"Hello, Central!" You Say Soy Products Are Harmful To Humans. Candace Says They Are Not. Who Is Right?

"Hello, Central!" Let's Tell Everyone To "Pay It Forward"

"Hello, Central!" Can We Survive Another Seven Years On A Downhill Spiral"

"Hello, Central!" What Do You Mean By "Show Them The Starships In The Night Sky?"

"Hello, Central!" I Don't Get It! What Is 5D?

"Hello, Central!" Is Not Pushing Back Dates Counter-Productive To The Lightworker's Mission? Why Aren't We Given Empowered Action To Heal Our Planet?