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"Hello, Central!" Will All The Strong Religious People, Like Mormons, Who Remain Faithful To Their Beliefs, Remain In 3D"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I was raised in the Mormon Church and all of my ancestors as far back as I can tell were all Mormons. I believe that I am a "Starseed" and was meant to "wake up" at a predestined time and claim my place among the lightworkers at this time of helping to bring turth to others. I didn't leave the Mormon church on a whim...I literally studied my way out and am so much happier for leaving the confines of religion. I left the Mormon Church while my son was on a mission (much to his dismay) and have had to stand up many time to many of my family members who believe I am nuts. My son admits that he sees a change in me "for the better," yet I still don't seem to have enough credibility to get them to listen to anything I have to say about NESARA or the 2nd Coming.

My question to you is this: Will all of my family who remain true and faithful to what they believe is the"ONLY TRUE CHURCH" remain in 3D? Will they remain on earth or will they go to a 3D planet? I am confused. I love my sons and would be saddened to see them go away. I am still a work in progress so my understanding is still forming, so please help me understand what will happen. Will they all go to that "spacious building" where there will only be Mormons? Also, has their leader, Gordon B. Hinckley, been made aware of what is taking place? Is he one of the Illuminati? It seems to me that if he is aware of what is about to happen and doesn't choose to set the record straight and tell his followers the TRUTH, is he going to be taken off the planet too? So many little time.

Thank you for your wonderful articles. I appreciate your time and effort on behalf of all of the people of this planet. I look forward to your input about the "Mormons." Have a nice day.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 30, 2005


Dear NN:

Thank you for your letter and questions concerning the Mormon beliefs.

As you probably know, all religions have been created by the Darkside to lead people away from the Truth. Religious teachings contain enough Truth to make them believable but not enough to help people find Truth through their God Spirit within.

Those of your family who would choose to adhere to the religious lies of the Mormon church and refuse to "wake-up" before our planet ascends into fifth dimension, will be forced to leave. The tension between higher frequencies and their lower frequencies will cause physical pain and poor health over time, and they will choose to leave Earth Shan.

If that is their choice, they will go to another 3D planet and continue with their lessons in soul growth where they left off here. Only those who have "awakened" to Truth and by learning and helping have raised their frequencies will be able to ascend into 5D with Earth Shan. No evil is allowed into 5D, ever. That is Cosmic Law.

"That spacious building with only Mormons" is a story to fool people. Those who die a physical death in 3D go to 4D or the Astral Plane. There they stand before Creator God and judge themselves according to the Laws of God and Creation (see Phoenix Journal # 27). Then they decide where they shall go in 3D for their next lessons in soul growth. They return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation again and again until they graduate and move up to 5D.

This is a unique time for us on our planet, for everyone has to chance to graduate to 5D, if we so choose. Let us hope that the shock of these coming events of NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming will wake up your family and the many others who are spiritually asleep.

Gordon B. Hinckley is another "blind leader of the blind". Through the Darkside he surely is aware of all that is happening. To my knowledge he is Illuminati and was given his "stand -down orders" as were all the other Illuminati. He, too, must choose between Truth and lie. There are no exceptions.

Time will be allowed over these coming months for people to understand our history and all that has happened to trick us into wrong thinking There is hope that most people will respond to Truth. Let us pray that this is so for your family, as well. I honor you for finding your way against great odds and for caring for others. Know that victory is here!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
