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"Hello, Central!" Our Star Friends Take One Step Forward And Three Back. What Are Their Psychic And Physical Abilities?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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f Columbia Pictures when Steven Spielberg was filming "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

I sometimes wonder who is communicating with Candance when they say certain beings "can easily create bombs without our knowledge"....if they don't have physic abilities, which I find hard to believe, then perhaps they should work with those who do.

Also, if they are keeping abreast of the BB&G's and trying to lay their game plan by "having star people who can watch TV easily on the ground for us"....since we common people already know the TV and News is controlled and fabricated and no one in his right mind who is attempting to make a power play is going to put it out there..... perhaps this explains why the dance to date has been 1 step forward and 3 back.

Last Friday they made a "serious attempt to make the announcement" but "CNN higher levels made a huge mess for us".

Patrick, I hope and pray many times a day for Peace on Earth and GOD to help us all !!!.....but something is just not ringing true here.....can you shed some light here?



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 9, 2005


Dear GH:

I have asked the same questions you are asking, and for months have wondered what I was missing in my understanding of the potential of our brothers and sisters of the Lighted realms. I have wondered about the repetitive statements and failed projections by Helena of the Capricorn and her apparent reliance upon 3D humans for her information.

Because of our religious influence and indoctrination of the magical capability of off-world beings, we tend to think that those who now come to our aid from the Realms of Light possess great magical qualities. We believe they all have all-knowing and all-powerful qualities, and thus, can perform magic. This simply is not so. I remember Hatonn saying somewhere in the Phoenix Journals that many of those aboard the starships such as the captains were little "higher" than we who are presently Lightworkers in 3D.

If this is true, then this would explain why our Star Friends with us at this time have limitations. They are not all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful individuals, as we had supposed. They, too, are here for their lessons in soul growth, and many of these experiences in Earth Shan's transition are new to them. We have been told that what is presently being done on our planet has never been done anywhere else before.

Even Hatonn/Christ Michael and Immanuel Sananda have stated that they are still learning lessons in soul growth, that they are not in total perfection. Only Creator Source at Paradise Isle, who created all that is, has total perfection. We achieve such total perfection only when we, too, have experienced all there is to experience and return to Creator Source.

Just thinking about the abilities of our Star Friends raises more questions. We know of the Cosmic Law of Non-intervention into the lives of people living on a freewill planet. If that Law is set aside on our planet at this time, does that give the Star People free reign, or are there yet limitations to what they can do? Are they hindered by having too many lower ability Star People and not enough higher ability Star People to do the NESARA Mission?

We understand that the Ashtar Command computer system records every thought and every action of everyone on Earth Shan and keeps this information in what is called the Akashic Records. Do our Star Friends have access to the Akashic Records? If they do, can they screen these records and determine the intent of any one on the planet, or do they have limitations on the use of these records?

O.K., so we have six billion people on Earth Shan. Are there not many times that number of Star People here now aboard their millions of starships? The Pleiadian Starfleet alone has ten million starships. Could they have six billion Star People, doing a one-on-one, and track the six billion earth humans, and know their every thought and move and intent?

I do not have the answers that you seek, my friend, mostly suppositions. We know that all of us have great creative thought-power to create what we want. We, also, know that God wins over evil---always! We know that the order has been given for evil to immediately 'stand down" on our planet. We know that Christ Michael has said, "Enough is Enough".

So, we walk in faith, believing that all is well and proceeding according to Heaven's Plan and perfect timing, and we hold the positive energy needed by our Star Friends to get the job done. Together we walk the "King's Highway" knowing full well that our victory over the Darkside on our planet is at hand.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
