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"Hello, Central!" I Don't Get It! What Is 5D?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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his to me!


The curious one


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 20, 2005


Dear T:

5D refers to fifth dimension. We live in a third dimensional (3D) world of time, space and matter. Our world and everything in it vibrates at a rate of frequencies specific to 3D. Everything from living cells to rock molecules have this frequency of electric/Light energy, for all was originally made by Creator God from Light energy. If the frequencies of this energy that makes up everything is raised to the next higher level of existence, we move into the next dimension or fourth dimension (4D).

Due to the differences in frequencies between 3D and 4D, for example, we cannot see a 4D being with our 3D eyes. This level is also called the Astral Plane, where those, who die a physical death in 3D, go. On the Astral Plane we stand before Creator God and judge ourselves according to the Laws of God and Creation. We determine what lessons we have yet to learn in our soul growth, and we then make a contract with Creator God for our next lifestream in 3D or wherever we need to go to continue with our lessons. Fourth dimension is a transition dimension between 3D and 5D.

The next higher level of frequencies is fifth dimension. Time, space and matter do not exist in 5D due to the tension between the differing rates of vibration. Therefore, no evil is found in 5D or higher dimensions.

Existence in 5D is regulated by different laws of Physics than those of 3D. In 5D one can levitate and move by thought. You are not limited by aging and by time, and thus, do not grow old. You are not limited by matter and can move through such things as 3D walls and closed doors with ease and without harm to yourself or others. The dimensions of 5D and higher are known in the Realms of Light as "Heaven". Because Creator God has decreed that our planet, Earth Shan, is to ascend to 5D by 2012, Heaven will be established in the next few years on our planet. The people of Earth Shan have a choice to make in the next short while to go with our planet into 5D(Heaven) or to die a physical death and return to the Astral Plane.

Aliens or E.T's are those being who come to our planet from other 3D worlds or from other dimensions than ours. Evil aliens are found in only 3D and 4D. In fact, all of our earth's inhabitants at this time are aliens, because we all have agreed to come at this time to assist with Earth Shan's transition into 5D. We all are returned Masters, but our problem is that we agreed to come without memory and do not remember our past and our mission, though a few of us are now waking up. It sounds like you and your mother are two of them. May your curiosity lead you to the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
