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"Hello, Central!" It Is Unbelievable That The Second Coming Would Be Talked About On The Internet. It Is So Hard To Believe

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ers but I haven't recieved any recently. I don't wish to whine, or complain. I really am not happy with our world today, all the pollution, all the damage we are doing, all the conspiring, hatred, and negativity. I long for a happy, healthy Earth, and sooo much more. I've been wanting something like this to happen. At first I was very relieved to be reading these messeges. Now that it's been so long, with all the false dates, etc... my hope in it has really dwindled. I try to listen to my heart and what it is telling me. I really want to believe that all this is true, but all I hear coming from inside is that this must be some kind of a story to money from people who are nieve...and it really hurts me to think that because I want to believe all this sooo badly. It sickens me to see what we are doing go our planet, our home...our very existance. I am worried about the kind of world my children will have to grow up in. I would really like some sort of reasurrance, a sign of sorts, something to bring back my belief in all of this. I really want to believe all of this is true. It hurts me badly to think that it's not, and it hurts me to think that the writers of these messeges are toying with people's hearts and lives if it isn't. I'm sure I'm not the only one with feelings like this and I really think they need to be addressed in a better way. Why would Jesus, Christ Micheal, Sananda, which ever name you pefer choose to talk about the The Second Coming over the INTERNET? I don't understand this. I couldn't have ever dreamed that it would happen this way, it feels all wrong to me. Don't we deserve more than that? Why should only the people reading this on the internet be warned this way, why aren't there warnings in our dreams, etc. Why aren't we feeling these changes? It just makes no sense to me. Never would I have ever fathomed this sort of thing if it is true to appear on the Internet and I guess that's why it's becoming so hard to believe.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 26, 2005


Dear MM:

Thank you for writing, and do not be sorry for having questions and doubts about our future. Many people live in such a brain fog that they do not care about their future.

I assure you that we have a very bright future coming, and by the end of July, 2005 you will be dancing in the streets with joy. For a long while we Lightworkers plodded along on our treadmill, having little more than our God Spirit within to guide us and give us hope of a new day coming.

Now, so much has changed. You can feel the new energies in the air and the excitement within your heart space. There are signs and clues everywhere of coming positive changes. Just recently on the new T.V. channel C-Span III a discussion was heard by one of our readers of the New Banking System and NESARA. A week ago on Fox News business a banker representing Wells-Fargo Bank talked about farmers receiving Farm Claims debit cards for $30 million and that they could come to Wells-Fargo, which would honor these debit cards.

If you had inside information, you would know that the "fake dates" were very real dates, but due to freewill which had to be honored, the timing of NESARA had to be changed. We have moved into Divine Intervention, and plans are being finalized for the lawful arrest of G.W. Bush in a military "coup", which shall be seen live on T.V. He has refused to resign, so it has taken longer to prepare the arrest process. Plans are now in place to pull this off before June 30, 2005.

There was no concept 2000 years ago of a World Wide Internet. I have always wondered how Truth would be spread to the four corners of the earth, as Esu Immanuel told his disciples it would be. Now we know how---by the Internet! In fact, the Lighted Realms provided the Internet for this very purpose! You ask, "Why talk about The Second Coming over the Internet? It makes no sense!" Why not? it makes perfect sense for Sananda Immanuel and Creator God to use our modern technology.

We are not living in the days of donkeys for travel and fishing boats and dusty sandals. For too long religion has taught us that God is mystical and things happen in a magical way. Creator God is logical and scientific and has created our universe to operate in an orderly fashion. The Angels and Ascended Masters have always traveled by starship. If the Wisemen 2000 years ago followed a starship to Bethlehem, surely we are more advanced today and can use the Internet to announce Sananda Immanuel's Second Coming, planned for July, 2005.

People are being told of The Second Coming via the Internet because they do not know how to "listen" to the messages screaming at them in their inner Spirit. Their phone line to Creator God has been disconnected, and the inner voice goes unheeded. We are now in the process of waking people up and teaching them to re-connect their spiritual phone line to Creator God.

Do not despair at the long wait and the appearance of no positive change. Things are not as they seem. I know the energy of Hatonn and Sananda of the Phoenix Journals, and that same energy comes through the Candace Frieze messages. Christ Michael and Sananda Immanuel in these messages speak Truth. Keep hope alive, my friend, for I have no doubt that victory is here! Your children will be living in the Golden Age.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: WF

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 4:01 AM

Subject: "Fake Dates"

Dear mr. Bellringer!

In your answer to MM´s Mail you write: "I assure you that we have a very bright future coming, and by the end of July, 2005 you will be dancing in the streets with joy." Later on you write "that the "fake dates" were very real dates, but due to free will which had to be honored, the timing of NESARA had to be changed". In case by the end of July 2005 there will be NO reason for dancing in the streets, what are you going to tell people like MM then? That due to free will the timing of NESARA had to be changed again? All your ANNOUNCEMENTS on fixed and definite dates DON´T mention that free will might render them obsolete. Why? Don´t you think that this is kind of unhonest?

May the Light of God come in and make all falseness faint away!



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 28, 2005


Dear WF:

You "magic wand" people just don't get it! You live in a freewill world and everything that happens to you is based on your freewill and that of others. That produces change!

You would be the first to cry if you were not given information about the progress of NESARA. Based on the Truth, at each moment of an update I have given you that. If you don't like what you hear, I cannot change that. I am not Creator God and know all things and can control all things, if necessary. I am only His messenger. In fact, Creator God does not control but allows our freewill to run its course, so that we learn our lessons in soul growth.

If you want miracles to happen, then create them. You have the thought-power to do so. That would be a much better way to use your energy than "dumping" on those who are working very hard to create the very miracles you demand.

If plans are made and a date is set and I tell you of this, then the timing is changed by the freewill actions of some of those involved in the carrying out of those plans, and you are disappointed in the results, how does that make me dishonest? Why must I tell you up front that freewill could alter those plans? Do you not live in the real world and know that plans and dates can and do change?

From your letter you are already creating the negative energy that NESARA won't happen in July, 2005. Is your doubt so great that you are saying you would like to see NESARA happen because it would make your life better, but you doubt that it ever will? Isn't that being dishonest to your own potential and to everyone else who is "pushing and pulling" to move NESARA along? We need "pushers and pullers" to move the "NESARA Wagon" along to the "finish line", not "riders"! In spite of "riders" like you, we will be dancing the streets in July, 2005 in this great land and all over our beloved world. May you have good reason to be in that victory celebration.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
