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"Hello, Central!" Can We Survive Another Seven Years On A Downhill Spiral"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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anscendental Meditator (TM) since 4 July, 1970 and a Teacher/Initiator of TM since 12 March 1972. We have all experienced many interesting changes over the intervening years.

Your answers and responses will be greatly appreciated.

Respectfully, RS, PhD.


Hello all,

copied from another list.

below is the reply which I submitted.




It is reassuring to hear that there will be no military takeover within the US. But is that takeover by US forces? be the Chinese? or by Middle Eastern forces? Unfortunately, with the enemies our government has made, and the extreme enactment of the Patriot Papers which severely limit the freedoms of US citizens, one does NOT know what to believe.

And what of nuclear diversions - the Star Wars effect? Is intergalactic warfare to be allowed? If so, I would say that any military takeover planned for planet earth would be a moot point.

Is unabated warfare to be allowed to continue in Iraq, Iran, Afghanastan, the other Middle Eastern countries, including Israel, Jordan, Egypt, etc?

How do we stop these atrocities? We can mouth all the platitudes we want - but all I see is escalation of the strife and attempted subjugation of other peoples? Speaking out seems to get people killed. How man y martyrs can we expend? Martyrs whose names are forgotten soon after they are buried.

Why are the earth changes centered in the Pacific instead of in the areas where the warmongers are housed; instead of in areas where the lawmakers who are bent on enslaving the populations and confiscating the wealth of the nations are housed?

Why are we fed pablum while the dark cartel feeds on cavier? Why do the "good" guys disappear (88 scientists murdered within the past few years), while the dark cabal gets wealthier and stronger. There is definitely something wrong with this picture.

We speak of "new energies." Perhaps they are there, but I have not seen nor felt them yet. Have you??? Have you seen any lesseneing of war (another $6.4 billion has just been released by Congress for "the War")? Is there any lessening of crime in our cities? In our neighborhoods? Have you seen any real increases in our economies? Is there more, after tax money in your pockets? Are there any positive improvements in health care? Any improvements in our schools? Whose agenda are these "new Energies" helping?

It is not that I do not want a better world for all humanity - with all my heart I do. It is simply that I do not see the manifestation of the promises of those who are being channeled. Can any one point out the words of a channel which have actually materialized??

Other than maybe an earthquake or flood or other disaster..... I share all positive channelings in the hope that we can bring the peace and love, the joy and abundance, the healing and equality, which should be ours. And yet one day flows into another, and the wars, lies and iniquities continue - the inequality of life on all levels.

Can we really survive another seven years of life on a dowhnill spiral???


Hi xxx

You ask a very good question - one which many many others have also asked. Myself included.

As you suggest, dates by when positive events will occur are sometimes offered, yet they are generally missed. It is always "soon".

However the reasoning for this seems to elude us - all we can do is speculate - something which I do not intend to do right now.

One side effect of this is that people (like me) who read many of the chanellings no longer tell others, because we dont want egg on our faces when nothing happens. Another side effect is that some people have stopped reading the chanelled messages because they wonder / feel "whats the point?" especially since there might be another promised date - which yet again will only lead to disappointment.

Kindly note, however, that much of the other information which has been given to us has been found to be correct.

I am sorry but that is all I can say, for now.

< BR>Maybe one day though, we will discover the answers we seek.


In a mad world I'm happy to be considered 'insane'.

Its the 'sane' people I feel sorry for!


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 22, 2005


Dear RS:

It is with great joy that I take up my pen to respond to your questions, for I sense your spirit of sincerity and thirst for Truth. I honor you for your many years of using Transcendental Meditation (TM) to gain wisdom and to help others.

What I now write is Truth with Creator God as my witness. Since the "Stand Down" orders by the Ascended Masters to the Darkside on our planet, Earth Shan in April, 2005, no more wars are being allowed to start anywhere ever again on our planet. Those wars in process are being diffused and will end shortly with the Declaration of World Peace under the auspices of NESARA.

Our lying Media continues the charade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but all is not as it seems. Plans have been made and agreements signed for all conflict in the Middle East to end immediately that the Declaration of World Peace is made. It has been agreed, also, that the U.S. Military will start leaving Iraq at that time and be completely returned to the United States before the end of this year, 2005. My point, Dr. S, is that we have reached the end of war on Earth Shan.

Secondly, the Ascended Masters and the Forces of Light were allowed limited Divine Intervention in the freewill operations of our planet in May, 2004. One year later in May of this year, 2005, because of the failure of Earth Shan's Representative of Goodness to fulfill their agreements to implement NESARA, the Forces of Light and the Ascended Masters have assumed their authority under Creator God to act with total Divine Intervention in our affairs. Consequently, they moved quickly in May, 2005 and have searched our planet inside and out for weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

I assure you that the Forces of Light have found and have neutralized all WMD on Earth Shan at the present time, and none more shall ever be allowed to be produced. This means that all nuclear for evil intent has been stopped forever on Earth Shan. This also means that all chemical and biological warfare is also forever stopped on our planet.

What is known as Armageddon is now past. This war of the spiritual realms was fought between the Forces of Darkness and the Forces of Light. The Forces of Darkness were soundly defeated, for as you know, Creator God of Light wins, always. Lucifer was so humiliated by his defeat that he has returned to the Light. His 3D minions are the lost Dark Cabal still causing problems on Earth Shan. These ones are now in their last stages of defeat as well.

No more intergalactic warfare will be allowed, and no more earth-based military invasions and conflicts will be allowed. We are done with war! We shall have peace forever more! NESARA is the key to opening the door to our Golden Age. NESARA declares peace and an end to war. NESARA orders the U.S. Military to return home from its worldwide control. This shall be done through Divine Intervention.

Many have spoken out against the atrocities of our time, and their voices have been heard in the Lighted Realms. Many have been martyrs in their intent to bring goodness. My friend, know that these voices and martyrs for Truth have not been in vain nor are they forgotten. Their positive energies along with that of millions of other people on Earth Shan have vibrated the Heavens and are now shaking this planet to its very core. The prayers of our people have been heard, and Creator God has decreed that Darkness shall be no more on our planet. It has been decreed that we shall have peace and freedom and abundance, and it shall be so. The Law of Returns has returned our positive energy in multiple amounts to help us create a new world and a new people.

Your "why" questions are most difficult to answer. I do not know why earth changes kill the innocent and not the warmongers and evil bankers, judges, politicians, doctors and lawyers. It is not for me to know the soul contract of another. God is merciful and gracious, patient and with enduring love. I know that, "but for the Grace of God, there go I", is so true. We are here for our lessons in soul growth and have both planned and agreed to these experiences in 3D.

Life seems so often to be so unfair, yet in Creator God's Plan there is reason for all that happens. Under Cosmic Law there is a cause and an effect for everything, and we are all held responsible under the Laws of God and Creation for our actions. The Consequences or Karma of our actions are our responsibility. No one can or will remove our sins, our Karma for us. We must do that ourselves. I would not want to walk in the shoes of these Darkones today. They have many lifestreams in 3D ahead of them to learn their lessons in soul growth. I have been there and have done that. We have learned our lessons, and it is now time to move into our Golden Age.

Yes, I have felt the new energies! They are here! These new energies are sweeping our planet and creating hope and knowing in the hearts of many people. These are 5D energies that open the eyes and the mind to the unseen world of Spirit. These energies are awakening people to their God Spirit within, to their thought-power and true potential that is cracking the shell of 3D inside of which we have lived far to long. All the physical changes that you desire to see are coming. The manifestation of the promises of goodness will burst upon our world with the public announcement of NESARA in the next few days.

Have faith, my friend, for all is under Divine control and all is happening in Heaven's perfect timing. Our Heaven on Earth is being built before our very eyes, but we cannot see it. Our hearts have turned to stone because we cannot see the glory of the New Heaven and the New Earth---the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven.

We see only the 3D illusion of a decadent society that is falling into the ash heap of time. My friend, take heart! Keep hope alive! There will not be seven more years for us on a "downhill spiral"! There will not even be seven more weeks! We have arrived! He who has ears to hear, let him hear, and eyes to see, let him see!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
