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"Hello, Central!" You Say Soy Products Are Harmful To Humans. Candace Says They Are Not. Who Is Right?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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y grateful for the great job that you and other wonderful people are doing.

Since you are so busy I did not want to bother you but recently I think I found a big discrepancy regarding the information being disseminated pertaining to health food; here are the details:

- In Fourwinds10-news and info-health-harmful products it is stated “…soy products are harmful”.

- In Fourwinds10-Sky Doc # 3 by Rafael it is affirmed exactly the opposite! “… you need top quality carbohydrates … some proteins such as …soy products…”.

I and my wife are strict vegetarian since many years and therefore this is a crucial issue for us.

One last question: it is public knowledge, to a large extent, that meat and fish are not essential to human nutrition but it is also assumed that vitamin B 12 is not available in normal vegetarian natural food in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of our body chemistry; how can that be, considering the fantastic mechanisms and original perfection of the human body? How can it be possible that, in order to lead a normal healthy life, one has to resort regularly to lab made pills?

I trust you will appreciate the importance of these questions which certainly affects many people.

I would very much appreciate a concerted answer from you and Doc.

Thanks a lot and God bless you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 26, 2005


Dear BVD:

Thank you for your letter and questions about nutrition. We have at least five articles posted on Fourwinds concerning the harmful side effects of soy products. It is common knowledge in the scientific community that soy products contain harmful substances, which at certain levels can cause great harm to the human body.

The harmful effects of these substances in soy products range from toxicity such as nero-toxins that harm the brain and phytates that block the up-take of basic minerals to enzyme inhibitors, reduction in protein digestion, clumping of red blood cells and putting the thyroid at risk. Processed food of all types, not just soy products, also contain over 10,000 various food additives to enhance appearance, taste, smell, shelf-life, etc. that carry potential harm to us. Scientists and food manufacturers have told me that not only have the effects of many of these food additives not been carefully studied, but also the synergistic (combination) effects have not been researched.

My point is that foods made from soy beans carry harmful substances, which are increased by the addition of food additives during manufacturing. This places soy products into the higher health risk food category. We also know that many other foods are of higher health risk due to the food additives in them, so I am not singling out soy products necessarily as problem foods.

It is true that the information presented in the message "Sky Doc #3" by Rafael/Candace Frieze about soy products runs counter to the information presented by the scientific community today. You question is, "Why this discrepancy?"

In this discussion of nutrition by Rafael there was no detail or scientific content given but only a passing comment about soy products. It is important to understand that we must use discernment in all that we read, even in what I write here. There was no mention of the fact that the average Asian consumes an average of 9-36 grams of soy food per day, whereas the average American soy food lover chucks down 250-300 grams of soy food per day.

A small amount of soy food may not be harmful in a balanced diet, but excessive amounts could very well be harmful. This concern was not addressed by Rafael. The rule of moderation in all things is a wise guideline to follow. If you determine that a large intake of soy food is "dangerous to your health" there are other sources of protein that are not harmful for us to use.

Personally, my wife and I do not eat tofu, soy products or drink soy milk because we do not need them nor like them, and many of these foods are very expensive. To buy foods from health food stores or organic sources, today, is unrealistic for most families, because they cannot afford the additional costs. Hopefully, soon we will have healthy foods available at reasonable prices for everyone.

I add on interesting side-not about soybeans. When I was farming with my father, we raised some soybeans on our dairy farm. We would never grind these soybeans and feed them to our cattle, for in so doing we would kill our cattle. Farmers sell their soybeans and buy back the processed/altered soybean meal for cattle feed. If soy beans are a problem for cattle food, it is reasonable to assume that they are also a problem for human use. That is what the scientific community has demonstrated.

I am not here to tell any one what to eat or drink, much less to discredit what Rafael/Candace are presenting. It is most important to ask your God Spirit within what food is right for you. Secondly, we have the power to change our food so that it is not harmful to us, just as we can clean up the air we breath. We ask for the assistance of the Lighted Realms and believe that it can be, and it will be done. They will not do it for us, but they will assist us when we ask them to do so.

You asked about Vitamin B12 which is not available in a normal vegetarian diet, but is an essential one of the B-complex group. This is a case in point., You eat the best that you know how and ask your Angel Guides to provide anything that you may lack. You can also ask them to remove anything that may be harmful to you in your food, soy food included, and in your water that you drink. Can you live without B-12? Scientifically speaking, no! Spiritually speaking, yes! You can create it!

You body and your life will be whatever you make it to be, with the assistance of the Lighted Realms if you so desire. May you have a long and healthy life.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: SC


Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 6:05 PM

Subject: Vitamin B12

Hi Patrick,

I work with a Naturopathic Doctor and have done a little research on B12.

Bottom Line:

The best way to make sure you have enough B12 is to have the good bacteria in your intestines make it for you. And since most people have had antibiotics and regularly drink/bath/shower in chlorinated water (chlorine kills bacteria - good and bad) "you" have to put them back into the body.

The best way to do this is to duplicate the natural process.

When a baby is born the first food it receives from its mothers breast is Colostrum. After 24-48 hours the mother's milk changes and is very high in beneficial bacteria (assuming the mother own body has them!).

1 capsule of Colostrum twice per day

2 capsules of a high quality Probiotic twice per day

Both taken together on an empty stomach to minimize being killed off by stomach acids. Easiest for most people is first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.

General rule of thumb for the length of this protocol:

1 month for every year of having digestion and/or respiratory problems.

Best Regards,


Student of the Naturopathic Doctor Extraordinaire - Albert "Skip" Snow

Below are excerpts from an article I found on the internet about B12:

The simple truth of B12 is neither we, nor animals, nor plants, make B12. It is produced only by bacteria. B12-producing bacteria dwell not only in our own intestines and intestines of ruminants (cattle, deer, camels, sheep), but also in the intestines of Earth itself: soil.

B12 is the only vitamin synthesized solely by microorganisms. And the only enzyme containing trace element cobalt. In fact, B12-producing bacteria can't synthesize B12 without cobalt. B12 owes its chemical name—cobalamin—to the cobalt core of its molecular structure. Cobalt is an essential element for humans and all vertebrates—but only assimilated in the form of B12.

...niacin and riboflavin are required for bacterial synthesis of true B12

from this webpage:
