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"Hello, Central!" Is Not Pushing Back Dates Counter-Productive To The Lightworker's Mission? Why Aren't We Given Empowered Action To Heal Our Planet?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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rst. About 2 -3 weeks should be sufficient." [Sky Doc Rafael, #3 - by Candace Frieze, Rafael, Sananda - as posted on, 6-14-05]


On July 1st, my attempt to maintain a mainstream family while utilizing lessons learned from the Masters, the Urantia book, Reiki, and other holistic pursuits is over. On that date my significant other takes the kids and moves out.

Spending money on spiritual endeavors, studying with the Hopis, being a lightworker, and working with others around the world to heal planetary discord is not important to a girlfriend who would rather I take the family to Disneyland.

My faith in god's divine plan, and its inherent teachings involving the Ascended Masters and the use of the Violet Fire, is not always understood or well received by others, and meant little to her.

Taking the middle path, remembering 'the eye of the needle', and embracing the virtues of the three-fold flame wasn't enough.

I used reiki to love myself free, and became a teacher.

I worked for years at the 'Bridge to Spiritual Freedom' on Long Island in an effort to anchor celestial energies here on earth, I felt we completed our mission in 2001 and feel great about it. (Including my work as a Red Cross official at ground Zero after 9-11)

Then I started to read about Nesara on the Dove reports in Spring of 2002, and I even marched in DC with 250k others to protest the war in Iraq.

Then I messed up. Since Nesara was supposed to be announced by a certain drop dead date back then, I didn't pay my credit card bills for two months. When there was no Nesara to save me, I was confronted with late fees and overdraft fees and was sinking fast. It took me six months to catch up.

After I began to feel a shift with the dove report, I began to focus more on the Jennifer Lee reports and your Bellringer stuff on Fourwinds10. For a while, I only put faith in my own god connection, tried to work hard to make ends meet, and kept track of the latest.

Then came the Candace reports!

Like a breath of fresh air, these reports resonated within me. Not one to jump on any bandwagon, I allowed the info within her reports to speak for itself; and being well schooled by Urantia info, I appreciate the reports mentions of Nebadon, Orvington, Havona, etc.

For the past few months, as my personal family life continued to crumble, I have increasingly held onto the hope that all will be well by June 30th. My credit card bills cost $600/mth, and I chose not to pay this month expecting an announcement. An extra $600 a month really helps me get by - considering that gas is $2.25/gallon, et al. But now it appears I have miscalculated again...

I do not live high on a mountain in the middle of nowhere seldomly encountering conflict situations, I am a talented lightworker who lives in the NY City area and I experience the energy draining activity of the darkside on a daily basis.

To place a lightworker in such a setting, with difficult experiences to work through, is one thing (as I recognize this is part of the grand design); but all this business about pushing back dates is counter-productive to the healing capability a lightworker is able to deploy.

As per the recent reports, it appears most considerations pertain to coddling those people not in the know, but what about those of us in the know?!! We keep getting pushed aside so as to make the transition for the masses as smooth as possible.

Ever think about the how harmful it is to your plan to diminish the talents and healing energy of the many lightworkers already on the planet by not putting us into empowered action?

Each time you push back the date for other considerations, you push us back into a deeper 3-D hole to climb out of. When the time comes, we should not be spending time climbing back out of a hole, but we should be sprinting to the aid of others as soon as possible to assist with god's divine plan.

I am not complaining.

I Am still strong and centered.

I Am that I Am.

I Am the gate through which god's light an love flows through to all life.

I Am the overflowing Cup from which all who thirst may take a drink from god's holy elixir of light.

I am not nearly spent or done, I'm just communicating a point of view.

In love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 19 2005


Dear WL:

You most certainly are not alone in your frustration and trials over the continual delays of the NESARA implementation. As Sananda has said, this is a "first", and the Ascended Masters are also learning how to complete this mission. They feel the same frustrations that we do.

Now that the absolute date has passed by which time the 3D freewilled White Knights were to have completed the NESARA public announcement, they have been "by-passed" and the Star People are intervening and completing the mission of NESARA. This does not mean that all is instantly magic and done. The Forces of Light must still honor 3D laws and limitations and carry out this plan at our level of existence.

It may seem like we Lightworkers are being "pushed aside" and our talents and energy are not being utilized, but that is not necessarily the case. We, too, have our lessons to learn and to not repeat our past mistakes. Our task is also to hold the positive energies strong that are removing the Darkness, through our thoughts and actions. Our talents and energies can also be used in many creative ways if we open ourselves to new possibilities and ask for help and guidance from the Realms of Light. It is our choice to use our "power" to do good. Heaven never stops anyone with good intent.

I do not believe that you have miscalculated again. The signs all point to NESARA being completed well within this month of June. It very well could happen today, Father's Day, or any day of this new week. Victory is that close!

I honor you for your wisdom and your strong commitment of Truth and Light. "Hold the Fort for I am coming", Esu whispers still. Send the answer back to Heaven, "By thy Grace we will!" My friend, Lightworkers everywhere are under extreme pressure from the Darkside, but are holding firm. We shall not fail in our tasks and our lessons in soul growth. Date changing is not counter-productive in Heaven's timing. Know in your heart that victory is here! All shall be accomplished in our lives and in our world according to Heaven's perfect plan.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
