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"Hello, Central!" We Are Lightworkers In Peru And Want To Know More About NESARA. Can You Tell Us?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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iting from Lima, Peru and want to tell you that there are several groups in Peru that have being receiving this information for several years and I got to know people from Rahma and Sixto Paz how is their friend and have direct contact several times with people from space with very important messages fron humanity and the change of vibration of the planet earth. Lots of people with big heart and mind are joining this great job to help planet restore reiki, rahma, yoga, 13 lunas but what is missing is direct information about nesara.

I would like to ask for information abour Nesara, what exactly is it? Why the name nesara? Who are their leaders? Are we all in their hands, we depend on the succes or failure of nesara?Whar is the date and steps we have to follow to fit in nesara?

I have heard a lot about Illuminatis and recently someone told about other group, the thinkers named something with SION but they say they are much more dangerous and that they reflect the essence of evilness on earth. Also I heard that this dark side have interfered and controled internet and that they will never let us all workers of light and love to succeed.

Have you ever heard about Golden Light? A message from Galactic Federation to join high frecuences of vibration with love and meditation, asking for the yellow golden light for wisdom for humanity. Is it much better to meditate in groups so we help earth with this action?

I am sorry to disturb you, but i feel this is very important for me and also people i have to help.

With deppest love for the planet and the human beings....


Presidente Monarcas Perú


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 19, 2005


Dear MG:

Greetings to you and your group of Lightworkers in Peru. Our world is very close to some major positive changes.

You are asking for information about NESARA. NESARA is an acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This is a law that was passed in the U.S. in the year 2000 requiring the U. S. Government to step down and the country to be returned to its original constitution. The tax and banking systems must be changed because they are unlawful under the constitution. A new government must be elected by the people and a new gold standard banking system must be established.

The government officials, the bankers, the judges and the military have all fought against the implementation of this law, for this would remove them from power and stop their fraud. You are probably saying that this is an impossible task. You are right if you are thinking in the context of 3D. For years many good people within our government, courts, and military along with civilians have tried very hard to implement NESARA.

This is done by public announcement, for when the people know about NESARA and all the fraud, they will demand change. NESARA has been kept quiet all these years by a gag order enforced by the U.S. Supreme Court. Under threat of death people in government, media, military, etc. are not to discuss NESARA.

The Truth is NESARA was started by enlightened people many years ago to change America back to being again the Lighthouse to the world. America was the only country ever in this present civilization to be established on the Laws of God. For that reason in these past 218 years the Darkside has worked very hard to destroy America. They cannot do so because Creator God has decreed that American is the key to restoring our world to goodness and bringing in the Golden Age of Peace.

That is what NESARA is all about. It is God's plan for our time, and because it is, the Forces of Light and the Ascended Masters have been sent at our request to help us implement NESARA. That is what is now happening.

NESARA will happen. The evil U. S. Government and Military will fall, and very, very soon. You can help by your positive energy, your prayers and petitions and by telling others about NESARA. These changes for good in the U.S. will bring positive changes to all countries and peoples of our world. NESARA is God's Plan and the first step in restoring our world to prepare it for Ascension to 5D on or before December 21, 2012.

We honor you for holding the Light of Truth in Peru. Know that God wins---always!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
