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"Hello, Central!" Why Does The Catholic Church Never Mention Reincarnation, And Why These Physical Changes Through Which I Am Going?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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the teachings of our Church has it ever been mentioned about REINCARNATION from 3D to 4D and above. I have always believed in the Reincarnation process and have often wondered why nothing has been said about it. I personally cannot see how a person can perfect in one lifetime. It must take many lifetimes to reach that goal. I was very pleased to hear that ones beloved animals can be with you in this new life that is possibly coming. I am currently going through some changes myself. I for one don't like to eat too much meat or heavy meals and am leaning towards more veg. and whole grain breads. Also sleep has been a problem. I seem to require alot of quiet time not this go go go so much. I am wondering what all is happening to me and I hope you in your infinite wisdom can help me understand what is happening to me at this present time.

Yours in love and light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 19, 2005


Dear CG:

All references to reincarnation and aliens and starships were removed from the writings of the church in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea. This was done deliberately by order of God Jehovah Satan when the writings were canonized and compiled into book form. These subjects had to be hidden from the people to put them to sleep spiritually. How else could Satan win?

Yes, we are old souls, for we have spent many lifestreams together on Earth Shan learning our lessons. We have been there and done that. The physical changes you are experiencing are preparing your body for Ascension to 5D. You have less appetite because your carbon-based cells are changing to crystalline-based cells which use Light for energy, and which can cope with the higher frequencies of 5D. Gradually you will move to a diet of vegetables and grains with no meat. There is no killing of animals and eating of meat in 5D. Less sleep is needed once you have adapted to the rising frequencies of Earth Shan. In 5D only about three hours of sleep per "day" are needed. Essentially there is no day and night, for with two suns all will be Light in 5D. You are tired of the chaos and noise and seek solitude for spiritual guidance and growth. This is part of the process in emphasizing the spiritual area into which we are moving and to de-emphasize the physical 3D which we will soon leave behind.

Relax and enjoy the ride. Life will get even more exciting as we move along. Be the way, I do not have infinite wisdom. I am only a fellow traveler on the Red Road of Truth. We have traveled together before-----remember?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
