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"Hello, Central!" The Devastating Terrorist Attack In London (July 7, 2005) Absolutely Makes No Sense. What Is Going On?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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is latest terrorist attack does nothing but create MORE fear, the very thing that the Forces of Light say they are working to prevent. This makes absolutely no sense. Any ideas what is going on?

Very Sincerely,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 7, 2005


Dear MD:

For as long as the darkside holds any power, there are two principles by which they operate. First, they must have negative energy by which to function. Without the fuel of negativity such as hate and fear they have no power. Such things as Love, peace, compassion and Truth render the Dark Ones helpless. You have heard the expression that "Love conquers all". This is so true.

Secondly, the Darkside never quits. If they have the slightest chance to hurt or destroy, they take it. They remind me of the Hercules Beatle found in South East Asia. This beetle is several inches long, has a hard shell, has a vicious bite and lives in the mud. U.S. soldiers were fearful of this beetle in Vietnam. If they laid down to rest, the Hercules Beetle would come out of the mud, bite someone on the face and cause serious injury. A whole platoon would take shovels and beat the beetle into the mud, but time and again it would come right back to bite them. It seemed to be indestructible.

In our world today the Darkside appear to be indestructible. It is like they run on "energizer" batteries that never quit, and at times, such as today, we feel helpless. Nothing short of serious Divine Intervention can stop their evil onslaught. Therein lies our hope. We have the promise that Creator God wins. We know that to be true, but our desperate question is "when?" When does Creator God win over the evil on our planet?

I know the end of the Darkside is near. We have been given clues to indicate this is so. Because of their refusal to cooperate with goodness and stop their destruction of our planet and her people, Creator God has ordered the Forces of Light to intervene. This happened more than a year ago, and Earth Shan is now under Galactic Federation authority.

A "stand-down" order was issued to the Darkside on April 4, 2005 by Creator God Christ Michael. Those refusing to do so have been removed and replaced. The recent delays in accomplishing NESARA have been due to certain U.S. Military personnel who have failed to follow their orders. Though the Darkside continues to resist NESARA, it will be implemented by the Forces of Light with or without the assistance of military personnel. The Darkside knows this and is desperately trying to find a way to still win, thus the London fiasco today.

You may have noticed that the evil controllers use the media to create much of their negativity. The controlled media will focus on a negative subject until it loses an audience, then moves quickly to another negative subject to maintain the negative energy that the people generate for them. For many months we have had the news of the Iraq War in the media. Before that was Afghanistan, and Kosovo and Bosnia and don't forget 9/11! The past few weeks the focus has shifted because the Iraq situation was losing public interest. So, now we have had endless cases of missing persons, kidnappings, rapes and murders, and the Terry Schiavo case to get our attention.

Because that has now run its course, guess what? Today, the terrorists attacked good old London, one of the three strongholds of the Khazarian Zionist Bolshevik (KZB), the other two being the U.S. and Israel. As with this terrorist attack today, most of the suicide and roadside bombings in Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Indonesia (Bali), Spain, New York City (9/11) etc. are being done by the Israeli Mossad in cooperation with the U.S. CIA and British MI-6. This fact is no longer a secret. Israel (KZB) is determined to destroy her Arab neighbors and to steal their land and claim it as Israel's "Promised Land", just as God Jehovah Satan has stated in his warbook the Holy Bible!

The KZB plan to control the world is one of total lies and deceit. They kill the American and British soldiers with roadside bombs in Iraq and blame it on the Arabs! They kill the American citizens in New York City (9/11) and blame it on the Arabs! They kill the citizens of London and blame it on the Arabs! Do you see the pattern? The KZB creates the hatred for the Arabs and then keeps it going through their terrorist tricks of deception, and most of the people believe it and support their actions to destroy the Islamic people. Notice that they kill their own people to fool the public.

I have a dear friend in Germany who sent me the following e-mail letter today. I include it here for your consideration.

* * * * * * *

----- Original Message -----

From: NG

To: "Bellringer"

Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 11:11 AM

Subject: Today They Broke The Jug!!!!

Dear Patrick,

Again the world has been shocked by an "Islamic act of terror"..........

I am most sure that the bombs that exploded in London this morning are again an outrageous act by the Darkside against mankind.

During the last weeks there was a worldwide focus on Truth about certain facts such as 911 or the attack against Iraq and also the worldwide claim and pressure sent to the G8-leaders to start honest action to stop poverty.

It was time for the Dark Forces to put the worldwide focus on another subject to keep up their lies and evil plans, so they initiated the "terror strike" against the city of London.

But with this act they massively offended against the "Stand Down Order" delivered to them by Sananda Immanuel in April 2005.

Now the jug is broken!!!

This criminal act will allow the Lighted Realms to increase the divine intervention against the dark cabals and so they will do. I think that the last update by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation anticipated this event in somehow. I am sure that the final stage has been set today and that in the very next days we will see the Forces of Light "falling out of the skies" and finally abolish the dark reign on our planet once and for all.

Let us all say a prayer for those who died, got mutilated, got injured or lost their beloved ones today.

But let us do this in certitude that today those of the dark side jumped right into their last pit!!

So be it!

In Love and Light


* * * * * * * * *

Indeed, this criminal act today is causing great repercussions throughout the Cosmos. I will end my reply to your question by quoting from a message Anne Bellringer received from Hatonn/Christ Michael this afternoon.

[Quoting] "I AM WHO I AM, Creator God/Christ Michael of the Nebadon Universe, better known to you ones as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn.

. . .The Darkside is determined to obtain total control over the world or else destroy it. Their dastardly act in London does prove that they are not ever going to quit, to obey the "stand-down" orders, and therefore, we shall intervene. . . .

I am sick and tired of the Darkside's moves, and this London fiasco is the "straw that broke the camel's back!" Far too long the Arabs have been blamed for the evil acts of the KZB and those they control. Far too long have they defied Me, defied all the people on Earth Shan and pressed toward their goal of total take-over. They have ruined planets in the past, and they have never, ever come back to the Light. Now is their final end, and they shall be removed and face the Galactic Tribunal.

Things are in place, and all is well. I am angry, as is Sananda, and we are going to get this job done, with or without the U.S. military help. Time has run out! Carry on with your work. Never give up, and know that we, the Forces of Light, are in control. The count-down as begun!

From Creator God/Christ Michael/aka Hatonn, your old friend. SALU. [End quoting.]

Hopefully, what I have written will help you to make some sense out of this seemingly senseless act of terrorism.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H.Bellringer
