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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" What Is Ariel Sharon's Game In Moving Settlers From The Gaza Strip"

"Hello, Central!" How Many Of The Phoenix Journals Do I Really Need to Read To Be Fully Prepared To Ascend?

"Hello, Central!" I Am Being Called To Be A Bellringer, But Am Afraid. What Should I Do?

"Hello, Central!" I Have Been Watching The Starships At Night, But I Saw Something That Freaked Me Out. I Felt A Presence In My Room And Saw Something That Scared Me Really Bad

"Hello, Central!" Will A Nuke Be Set Off On U.S. Soil And The Iranians Be Blamed To Justify A War With Iran?"

"Hello, Central!" I Live In Canada. Will NESARA Have Any Effect On Me And My Fellow Canadians?

"Hello, Central!" How Many Will Ascend Into 5D, And What Happens To Those Who Do Not?

"Hello, Central!" How Do I Join The White Knight Forces To Help Get The NESARA Mission Done?

"Hello, Central!" Many Are Losing Hope. Would You Please Write About The Statis Of NESARA At This Time?

"Hello, Central!" Should We Bless The Animals And Plants And Even Water For Giving Their Life For Our Food

"Hello, Central!" Who's "Freewill And Choice" Is Delayig NESARA, And Why Did The Space Shuttle Launch When Sananda Said It Would Not?"

"Hello, Central!" Do Pets Have A Soull LIke Humans, And Is It Wise To Euthanize Them?"

"Hello, Central!" I Am Losing Faith In The Quality Of The "Ascended Beings" And Their Compatriots. Is Hatonn REally God Of Our Universe, When Our "Freewill" Gets Ignored Again?

"Hello, Central" How Do We "Really Let Sananda Come In" And Know Our Mission?

"Hello, Central!" Will My Children Go To 5D With Me, And Will We In Europe Have To Wait Longer Than The U.S. For NESARA And First Contact?

"Hello, Central!" So Now What? Are We Supposed To Spend The Rest Of Our Married Lives Together Never Having Sexual Intercourse Just Because We're Done Procreating?

"Hello, Central!" What Must I Do To Adequately Prepare Myself For Ascension Into 5D"

"Hello, Central!" I Have Many Questions About 5D, Transition To 5D, First Contact, E.T.'s, Physical Death And More. Can You Answer Them?

"Hello, Central!" The More I Wish For Life In The Light, The More I Am Pulled Into The Darkness. Why Is This? Is There Hope For Me?

"Hello, Central!" Could An Ascended Master Write A Resume Of The "Correct" Behavior That Sexuality Must Meet, For Example In Taoism and Tantra, Under God's Law?