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"Hello, Central!" Who's "Freewill And Choice" Is Delayig NESARA, And Why Did The Space Shuttle Launch When Sananda Said It Would Not?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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st allow for free will and choice"..... Who'se free will and choice ? and how can these people be allowed to continue holding back what is clearly the best for the majority. This freewill could theoretically delay the announcement for some time ?

Also Sananda inferred in a previous message that the space shuttle would not be going anywhere and now we see it has indeed taken off yet no one seems to have any comment on this... why is it so ???

Blessings to you and yours B.G.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: B.G.

DATE: August 2, 2005


Dear B.G.:

The bottom line for Divine Intervention is that the Lighted Realms are not allowed to do it for us. This is our 3D planet and we must take action and they will help us to complete the task. This is true, also, of NESARA. We must have 3D freewilled people involved, the White Knights, the NESARA announcement team and many others. Therein lies the "freewill and choice" problems.

Our 3D NESARA people have become much wiser and experienced and are making better choices. Also, the Forces of Light have eliminated most of the Darkside's ability to retaliate with any superior weapons or technology. I believe the delay is to make sure there is no failure in this next attempt to complete the mission. I expect the NESARA announcement on any new day now.

You asked about the Columbia space shuttle. Are you sure the shuttle was launched? Can you prove it, or was it a hologram with sound effects as the U.S. Government has done many times in the past to fool the people? One comment by a person watching the shuttle launch episode on T.V. was that "those people watching the launch were wearing 1970's clothes." Is this true? NASA's Hollywood studio does a good job of creating video's for T.V. I do not know what happened but I suspect that there are more fun and games going on with this latest "shuttle launch" and much evil intent.

Expect good things to happen this week.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
