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"Hello, Central!" Will My Children Go To 5D With Me, And Will We In Europe Have To Wait Longer Than The U.S. For NESARA And First Contact?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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are some questions for me: I´m a mother of 3 children aged 9, 11 and 15 years. What´s about them?? Will they go with me to 5D? Can they make their own choice or can I take them with me? It´s difficult for me to explain them what will happen - they think I´m a little bit stupid:-)

Another question is: I´m from Germany and what´s about Eurpe? Have we to wait longer for Nesara and the First Contact or will the Starpeople be here at the same time? I want to have contact to them since I was a child and now I hardly can´t wait till they come. I really love to see them and go home ( somehow:-) )

Please excuse my english.

I would be very pleased, if you could answer my questions - thank you very much.

Kind regard


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 29, 2005


Dear UB:

Thank you for your letter. Do not worry about going to 5D. You are open to truth and have the desire to enter our Golden Age here on Earth Shan. You Guardian Angels and other Star People will guide you.

Your children have reached the age of accountability (5-7 yrs) and know the difference of right from wrong. They must choose for themselves their pathway, but again, do not worry about them. Give them the Truth. When the changes hit and they feel the positive energies and see the starships and Star People, they will awaken and want to join in the excitement of helping to restore our planet again.

First Contact happens all over the world at the same time, as does NESARA. NESARA will be broadcast worldwide, and everyone will know what is happening. The media will do the same for First Contact, and you may see starships and meet the Star People in your own location. That should impress even your 15 year old!

Your English is just fine. You ought to see my German!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
