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"Hello, Central" How Do We "Really Let Sananda Come In" And Know Our Mission?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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I write somewhat in confusion having begun to read the Phoenix journals, which I previously found inaccessible (as a result of my own error).

Specifically, I refer to pages 110-114 of Journal 3 wherein Sananda Jmmanuel challenges us all to "do our work" and again "YE THINK YE HAVE ALREADY LET ME IN?????? NAY, YE PLAY AT GAMES THAT MERIT YE IN A PHYSICAL PLANE--LET "ME" REALLY COME IN!" and where in he again criticises forcefully us as "little blind ones".

Now, I am fairly new to this particular part of my search for knowledge and wisdom, which I have been pursuing for many years, and which I feel is finally bearing fruit, but these comments seem to ignore that we KNOWINGLY come in blindness, ignorance and with no memory of our previous wisdom as part of our contract in being here on Earth at this time. I have personally requested clarification on these points, though I know not how to receive or understand the answers, hence my asking also of you.


How do we know what "our work" is, in order to fulfil it?

I believe I am closer to my true path than I have ever been, but that does not mean that I need no guidance or that I "KNOW MY WORK" as agreed in some deliberately forgotten previous realm. However, without my previous wisdom, without my other senses and abilities, I find it extremely frustrating to be challenged in such aggressive manner when I know not WHAT it is that I am to do in order that I may take action to DO IT.

I beg of your indulgence to reduce my ignorance in these matters that I might contribute as I must.

In love and light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 30, 2005


Dear BA:

Thank you for your letter and questions. To know what is your mission in this lifestream you must communicate in meditation with Esu Immanuel Sananda. We have come back without memory with the challenge of waking up.

Go within and through your God Spirit think your questions and listen for the answers again through your thoughts. "Ask and I will give thee vision; seek and ye shall find me; knock and I will open unto thee, for I am." (Phoenix Journal #3, p. 112).

Sometimes we try so hard to find our way that we miss the sign posts, the flashing lights, the little whisper within. I suggest that you read about meditation in Phoenix Journal #34, "Phone Home, E.T." ( ) and to read my writing on this Phoenix Journal entitled "People of the Lie: E.T. Phone Home"

( ).

What is your mission? I do not know. Your mission is between you and Creator God and is written in the agreement that you made prior to this present lifestream. Ask Creator God? Ask Sananda? It may be so obvious that you missed it! Our task is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, give to the poor, give Truth to those who seek it.

Look around you with an open heart and mind. What is there that you can do to bring balance and harmony to your community, to your neighbor, to your family, to yourself? Balance must start with you. Peace must start within. Love must start at your doorstep.

You are not here to change the world, but only to make positive changes in your life, your family and your community. As the enlightened do this, with the help of the Hosts of Heaven we change our world.

What is your mission? I do not know, but you can "pick up a broom and start sweeping". You can smile and speak a kind word to someone. You can lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Yes, it is that easy! As you open your heart, and mind to the possibilities, you will be guided by the Angels, your Angels to do your mission!

Who knows where you will end up? You may be a loving, giving nobody or you may be another Mother Teresa. You may be another Martin Luther or the unknown one who gave a "cup of cold water" to a thirsty soul. Regardless of who we are, it is the intent of the heart that matters. As we each do our part, together we change our world. It is not an easy task to prepare a planet and her people for Ascension to a higher dimension, but together we can do it.

It may not appear so, but we are already doing it. Remember, to move a mountain you do it one shovel full at a time. Go within my friend, and ask for the right shovel, then get to work. It is that easy.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
