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"Hello, Central!" Do Pets Have A Soull LIke Humans, And Is It Wise To Euthanize Them?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ons that arrive in your email. It has been more than a pleasure checking in with daily events/ messages. I no longer trust the TV news. So, much of my information comes from special sites I've been guided to on the internet. Currently, my morning ritual is to check my email and then immediately check to see what new information has been added to fourwinds10!

I have been reading your messages for some years now, and finally I am being called to read the Phoenix journals. There is much to learn. And I look forward to it all!

While I have many questions, the one I am most concerned with today is in regards to animal/pet spirits. I recently watched my 18 year old cat pass into his next life. It was wonderful to watch him transition and most sad to know that I would not see him in physical form any more. And so I'm looking to find the truth about who or what animals are? Are they gifts of unconditional love?

Do they have a soul? In the Judao-Christian belief, animals don't have a soul. And if I believed everything written in the bible, I wouldn't be reading your site or writing you... So, maybe they don't have a human soul, do they have a different genetic frequency of soul?

Everyone attempting to console me tells me that he's in a happy place. Well, what is that happy place? Is there a kitty heaven? Is it a pasture of wheat grass and catnip with butterflies and mice to chase without ever hurting them? Or are animals happy being with humans? Are they right here with us only in spirit form? Do they reincarnate? Do they move up the reincarnation cycle to be a different species? What is the soul purpose of pets? Do animals have karma? Are they going to cross over into 5D with us?Are there any Phoenix journals that cover this information?

I know this sounds bizarre and this is my first pet that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing for 3 decades of my life. I am not wallowing in his death. While I miss his happy little face, I understand that his time had come. And again, I was honored that he chose to spend his life with me. His energy is alive and he is in a different cycle of life. It is merely time for me to investigate this new area of growth that has become part of my life.

You may clip out this next paragraph if you need a cleaner message board. I will understand and would ask that you respond directly if that is reasonable for you.

And lastly, a more controversial question. Is there an understanding of being in the highest vibration when choosing to euthanize an animal? I believe that killing is wrong. And seeing my fuzzy friend struggle so hard through complication after complication after a long a vibrant life, I can understand where there can be exceptions in a bigger sense. We regularly intervene to keep one alive in this dimension where it may not have happened otherwise (and sometimes call it God's will). Then when we intervene to allow for a passing with less pain, is that not the same? What is the higher understanding of intervening to allow the cycle of life to end with decency and respect?

I would like to share one bit of news that I found most surprising. In the many years of learning, playing and growing with my pet, I never expected that he would give me such a beautiful departing gift. Holding him in my arms, feeling his spirit lift out of his body and run through me was as miraculous to me as being present for his birth. It was just the other side of the spectrum.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully, A.G.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 2, 2005


Dear AG:

Thank you for your letter and kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

Animals have a group spirit and when one dies in 3D, the spirit returns to the group spirit. Did you ever notice how a pet may die but you find another pet with the same spirit? This happens when the same spirit returns in another animal. When you transition along with our planet into 5D, your pet cat will be waiting there for you, and those pets you have in 3D will go with you. This is what the Ascended Masters have told us.

Animal spirits are also moving upward in the process of evolution and reincarnate in a higher animal and finally into human form. For example the next step for an intelligent dog, we are told, could be a human with an elemental spirit. The same could be true for a horse, etc.

You ask about euthanasia. As humans we choose when we are to die a physical death. We are not our physical body. By "we" I mean our soul or God spirit within, the real "me" that is eternal. When another person uses euthanasia to end my physical life against my freewill, that is considered murder under God's Laws. The pain and suffering I experience in my life I have chosen to experience for my lessons in soul growth. I can choose to leave my 3D physical life at any time, even if my choice breaks my agreement with Creator God.

Now, if I have left my physical body for another dimension but my body continues to live on like a "vegetable", is euthanasia considered to be murder in this situation? How would one know for sure? These are hard choices to make but we must always be open to our Divine Guidance system within.

Now, a cat has a group spirit and is guided by instinct and not a "soul". To euthanize a pet that is suffering badly and has very little chance of survival would be a reasonable and humane thing to do. Our actions are always measured by the intent of the heart, be it with animals or with humans. In the Phoenix Journals Hatonn says that one who deliberately kills an animal for sport will be killed by an animal in another lifestream. Animals can provide us with much enjoyment of Creation and also many lessons in soul growth. Too often they are abused by humans and the lessons never learned.

Do not be surprised if your 18 year old cat's spirit returns to you soon in another animal. This often happens, if soul growth lessons are unfinished. Hopefully, these statements will guide you to the answers for your question on this subject.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
