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"Hello, Central!" I Live In Canada. Will NESARA Have Any Effect On Me And My Fellow Canadians?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 12, 2005


Dear VEA:

NESARA will impact the entire world' not just the U.S. All countries at some point will move to a gold/silver based currency, because the International Banking System will require that, if a country wishes to trade internationally. The U.S. owns 51% of the Federal Reserve System, therefore, the U.S. controls that system. By removing the FRB and replacing it with a U.S. Treasury gold standard banking system, as the international system, all countries are affected.

All debt anywhere owed to the FRB is dismissed. Remember, the IMF and World Bank are also part of that system. In Canada your debt dismissed would be similar to the U.S. The same goes for your tax system. The income tax is abolished and you would probably have a small sales tax (flat tax) to run the down-sized government. Canada would also have a major government over-haul. NESARA ushers in world peace and is Creator God's Plan to move our world a giant step closer to the coming Golden Age. Basically, to use the new international monetary system a country would have to abide by the same requirements as demanded of the people of the U.S.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
