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"Hello, Central!" How Many Of The Phoenix Journals Do I Really Need to Read To Be Fully Prepared To Ascend?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g in the journals. I’ve read 5 of the journals now ( #s 2, 27, 47,34, and 3). Honestly, I’m at a loss right now with these journals. I have embraced them completely and boy do they ring true for me. My husband is reading them and I’m teaching our kids the 18 laws. We, as a family, have made a 360 degrees shift in thinking now that we have the truth. But to what end? As I began Journal #5 today, I couldn’t help but think am I making this too complicated, too mechanical. I’ve noticed in reading the Hello Centrals that I have time to read that there is really no mention about the IMPORTANCE of these journals except in passing like when I asked about Law #15 and others have done. I am committed to ascension to 5D and don’t want to go through another lifestream in 3D. I have committed to the 18 laws. Why is the importance not mentioned about these journals even with Christ Michael and Sananda’s messages? Shouldn’t they be telling us to read these journals as much as about Nesara? What of Nesara if we are not prepared spiritually with the Laws of Creation to help us ascend? Am I missing something here or am I just too wrapped up in educating myself about the journals? How many journals do I really need to read to be fully prepared to ascend anyway? I want to use my reading time wisely. I ask this most respectfully. Thank you for any guidance you can give me.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 19, 2005


Dear HK:

I honor you for your excitement in your search for Truth and for sharing it with your family. You sound like you are "driven" to catch up in your enlightenment so that you will not be "left behind" when Ascension happens. There is no need to panic or be anxious about this.

It is really a matter of the intent of the heart. If your desire goodness and peace and are open to Truth, you will be guided by your Angel Guides to the pathway that is right for you.

I understand your concern about broadcasting the importance of the Phoenix Journals. Truth is very subtle and is found by the Truthseeker at the "teachable moment. People are led to the Phoenix Journals at the "right" time. Fourwinds and Phoenix Archives (our two websites) have provided the Phoenix Journals freely to the world for ten years, and those, who have needed to find them, have done so. After NESARA happens then more people will awaken to their need for Truth.

Candace does not "push" the Phoenix Journals because she is more familiar with the Urantia Book as a source for Truth than she is with the Phoenix Journals. The telepathic messages are always filtered through the perspective of the receiver.

There is no requirement to read any of the Phoenix Journals to ascend into 5D. Ascension is based upon your own soul growth and contract with Creator God. Maybe reading only Phoenix Journal #2 and 27 and then re-reading them is all that you need to understand at this time. You have time, even years yet to prepare for the Golden Age, and you will be guided by the Ascended Masters and Star People.

There is no need to try to graduate before classes have even begun. Just slow down, relax, meditate, read some, listen much, and enjoy the ride!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: HK


Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:02 AM

Subject: It's the "essence" i need to focus on.

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

You have made my day! I feel a huge weight removed from my brain. For some reason as I’ve read these journals I thought I needed to know all this stuff BEFORE ascension. I’m someone who is too analytical. It drives my husband nuts. Anyway, I get it now. It’s the “essence” of the journals I need to work on and not some exam I’m preparing to take. It’s LIVING the laws in my daily life and sharing that with family and friends. My poor kids. Best I put the flipchart away that I made for them to teach this stuff. I think I will slow down, relax, and enjoy the ride as you said. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GUIDANCE. This stuff has really stressed me out.


