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"Hello, Central!" What Must I Do To Adequately Prepare Myself For Ascension Into 5D"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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th an old friend. Due to the pain of losing this friendship I decided I must be doing something wrong, and starting reading Phoenix journal #27. I was utterly shocked at how little I know.

I just read the letters between you and the woman defending gay people. Thank you for publishing them. The Phoenix Journals I recognize as truth, it rings a bell inside me. I think you handled that woman extremely well, better than I could have. Reading that also has shed light on the falling out I had with my friend. There were some similarities. Sometimes the truth is so hard to hear, but I know now is the time we must seek it.

Thank you for your honesty. Now I am more relaxed about NESARA and all because I can see that you are of the truth and of God.

I do have one more question. It states in the journals that we will ascend if we have adequately prepared ourselves. I am unclear on this and worried. I have many flaws. I read the part of journal 27 about recognizing the antichrist within. I have started praying daily and realize that I alone cannot remove all my flaws only God can. But what if he doesn't in time? Do we have to be perfectly physically healthy and free of ego to ascend? Or is it an individual thing. Sometimes I feel it is saying that if you want it bad enough and are willing to seek the truth you are eligible to ascend, but what if we are seeking, but have not succeeded in some things yet, like being overweight, or being too filled with ego? Please shed some light on this if you can. I really want to be in the light and not spend another _____ years incarnating in a world full of wars and hate and money.

Thanks so much. You help me a lot.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 14, 2005


Dear NL:

Do not worry about what criteria is needed to ascend. It is a matter of the intent of the heart, and from that point on you will be helped by your Guides, Guards and others to achieve your graduation.

You do what you can to "clean up your act", and you will be helped to accomplish your goals right-on schedule. Those who have good intent, are Truthseekers, are willing to help others and will help to create harmony and balance on Earth Shan will be those who most assuredly will ascend into 5D. You will be helped in whatever you lack.

Just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride and be open to whatever it is that you are to do.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
