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"Hello, Central!" So Now What? Are We Supposed To Spend The Rest Of Our Married Lives Together Never Having Sexual Intercourse Just Because We're Done Procreating?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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rcourse between a man and a woman within the bonds of marriage is SOLEY for procreation? If that is the case then why does #15 say “Moderate or occasional masturbation done in privacy by any, either child or adult, is not harmful to or against life until it becomes an obsessive preoccupation”. Why is THAT mentioned but not “Moderate or occasional sexual intercourse is not harmful to or against life until it becomes an obsessive preoccupation”. Believe me I get what is being explained about the way we view sex in our world and it is a bit twisted compared to what we should be moving toward. But I honestly don’t understand what is really being asked of us to comply with. My husband and I have been married for 16 years in a strictly monogamous relationship. We are now in our 40s, have 4 children, and we are done procreating. So now what? Are we really supposed to spend the rest of our married lives together never having sexual intercourse just because we’re done procreating? Is this what I am to understand? I’m talking good old fashioned sexual intercourse between me and my husband several times a week for the sake of our sheer expression of love and pleasure. If sex were just for procreating why would God create our bodies to get immense pleasure out of the act of sexual intercourse? The sex act could easily have been given to us without the pleasure part like the rest of the animal kingdom, but it wasn’t. We were meant to feel pleasure for a reason and for me that means bonding with the love of my life until the day I die whether it’s sleeping, eating, or making love with him. I do not believe that a loving God who is a God of balance and harmony would want us to not express joy through sex just because those of us are done procreating. However, maybe, I’m missing something here. Hence, I’m writing this letter for understanding.

Please go easy on me. I’m new to FourWinds just this month. The same day I finished reading Journal 27, I also read the 7-17-05 Candace/Sananda Hello Central Human Sexuality message. And then I found the 7-21-05 question asked about “tantric sex”. And what was the response to that question? That if your have an issue with sex other than for procreating you are to take it up with God, but that as far as you, Mr. Bellringer knew, there are no exceptions. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT HERE.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 27, 2005


Dear HK:

Thank you for your letter, and welcome to Fourwinds. I honor you in your search for Truth.

Esu Immanuel Sananda is very direct in his statements on human sexuality and is quite thorough in answering your questions. In Phoenix Journal #27 you must carefully read all of the discussion of Commandment 15 found on pp. 48-56.

Our society today has an addiction to sex and has created the notion that physical sex is actually love. This is another lie by which the Darkside has fooled us. In the marriage vow is often stated the words, "Be joined together in holy matrimony and as husband and wife become one". What does this mean? Do you interpret that to mean "be joined together in sexual union" or to become one in your creative spiritual potential within? Marriage is a Divine Union, a Spiritual Union.

With enlightenment you will find that gradually your focus in life will move away from the physical realm and toward the spiritual realm. You will become detached from sexual feelings. Physical contact with your marriage partner will become less important while being in their aura will become more important. You will enjoy time together sharing thoughts and ideas and the silence that lies too deep for words. As our frequencies rise and we ascend into 5D with our "Light Bodies", human sexuality is neither an issue nor a priority.

I quote here the last paragraph of the discussion by Esu Immanuel Sananda of Commandment 15, Phoenix Journal #27, p. 56.

"So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to "consequences" (such as pregnancy) and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are 'addicted' and many of you understand it as an 'extension' of your love. Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the 'sexual act' is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!"

Love is caring and sharing and companionship, but its' greatest expression is Oneness in Spirit, where two truly become One with each other and with Creator God. Sexual union is a focus of 3D where spiritual union between marriage partners is the focus in 5D.

We have physical bodies in 3D in which to experience, but that physical body is not who we are. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience here on Earth Shan. To move back into the world of Spirit of 5D we must now focus more on the spiritual and less on the physical.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: HK


Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 1:51 AM

Subject: I finally get Law 15/Journal 27

Dear Mr. Bellringer,

Thank you for responding to my letter about Law 15. In retrospect, I’m embarrassed that I even asked you that question. I, of course, thought I knew better than God and that I and my husband were the exception to the rule. Sound familiar? Boy have I been humbled. After reading Journal 27 last week, I am now into Journal 47 and what do you know but there was my answer staring me right in the face. I found it in chapter 1 called “Testing” where it says “I and my Father Aton have seen the chagrin of ones when they read of the laws regarding ‘sexual” behaviors…” It’s as if God were speaking directly to me (I guess He was)! I’m sure it will take time to wean myself off of this “addiction”, but I can now understand the logic behind this law. I get it! Like you said, sexual union is 3D and spiritual union is 5D. It now makes perfect sense to me. God really is a God of love, harmony, balance and logic. My husband and I now have something more fulfilling to work on for the rest of our married life.

Thank you for the enormous time I’m sure you put into this website. These Journals are a life changing experience for me and my husband. Having officially walked away from the Mormon Church this summer, we had no idea where to go for the real truth about God, but we knew we were done with organized religion. These Journals are an answer to our prayers not only for us but to teach our children correct principles. They are priceless jewels of truth that have literally set my mind free. Thank you again for responding to my question.


