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"Hello, Central!" I Am Being Called To Be A Bellringer, But Am Afraid. What Should I Do?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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12, 2005


Dear J:

Be at peace! Of course, these are the end times, but though we walk through the Valley of the Shadow, we do not fear. Our Angels of Light walk with us.

We who are enlightened are all called to be "bellringers" in our time and place. We are called forth to speak Truth to whomever will listen. We are not here to argue or to convince anyone of anything. Truth stands on its own merit. We simply proclaim it. We plant the seed and let it grow. Those, who do not listen, have chosen. Let them go! You have spoken the Truth to them. The seed has been planted and it will sprout and Grow. If not now, then at some later time or in another lifestream it will bear fruit. Truth can never be forgotten at the soul level.

Maybe your fear of being a bellringer" comes from wrong perceptions. Do you see yourself as another John Wesley standing on a stump and yelling to the masses? A softer approach may be to be a "listener" who hears the pain in a single voice and can speak a word of kindness and of hope.

People do not know that they have the power within to help themselves, that they have a God-connection to all positive energy and to all Truth. People do no know that they have at least two Guardian Angels who are appointed by Creator God to help them throughout their entire 3D life. Because of your freewill, your Guardian Angels are allowed to help you only when you ask for their help. When you do, your call compels their immediate response.

So, besides "praying hard" ask your Angels to help you, and start small. Try ringing your bell of Truth a little bit at a time. Watch and listen for opportunities and gradually you will gain confidence. When some people laugh and ridicule Truth or the Truthbringer, send them Love and Light and move on. You have planted the seeds of Truth. Water them if you have the chance and let them sprout. Remember the old saying that, "you can drag a mule to the water trough, but you cannot drink the water for him!"

Be wise and discerning as you "ring your bell!" Remember the bold statement of Esu Immanuel when he said, "Do not throw your pearls before swine!" Once you have presented Truth, the pearl of great price, and it is rejected, move on. You have done all that is expected of you. Move on to the "harvest fields that are white unto harvest".

Again, my dear sister, be at peace. All that is required is the good intent of the heart. You will be guided in all things, if you but ask. I leave you with something I wrote years ago, A Song of Patrick - God-Aton is My Commander"

* * * * * * * *


A Song of Patrick

God-Aton is my Commander. He shall guide my Spirit. Through my God-Spirit I can create all that I need.

My brother, Sananda, shall lead me through the sunlit meadows and dark valleys of my pathway. My God-Spirit shall be at peace and I shall have no fear, for my brother has traveled this red road of Truth before me. He shall show me right-living through the Laws of God-Aton and the Creation, and I shall be most joyful.

My Cosmic brothers and sisters have prepared a "welcome home" banquet for me on board the starship, Phoenix. In honor I shall be rewarded for my faithful journey, my lessons learned, and the completion of my "contract". And my enemies will "know."

I shall return to my home and family on Pleiades and my brothers and sisters of the Realms of Light. There in joy I shall continue my pathway to perfection back to God-Aton, the One Source of all.

Cosmic New Year’s Day

August 17, 1996

Year Nine, Day One

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
