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"Hello, Central!" How Do I Join The White Knight Forces To Help Get The NESARA Mission Done?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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understand and agree with this concept. In decades past men would join the Army to fight the enemy.

So, as an anti-IRS Constitutionalist, why can't I join the Army of people, entities, and White Knights that are fighting Satan's minions. I am ready, willing, and able to do so but I have never seen a message from you, Sananda or Christ Michael that says, The Army needs you.. join now, citizens needed to fight the Darkside, etc. Where do I volunteer or apply to join the White Knight forces?

If we the people have to play a major role in making NESARA happen, that's fine with me, but where or how do I sign up to help. I have never read anything from Fourwinds that explains how we the people can actually take part in accomplishing the physical tasks needed to bring NESARA into reality.

I'm probably too old to be a fighter pilot but there must be thousands of organizational jobs and tasks to be done both before and after NESARA is announced. It has also been proven over time that our 3D leaders have failed miserably in performing their duties so how do we get new 3D leaders in there to get the job done? As you said, we have to do it, so where can I apply for a job and sign up to help the good guys?




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 4, 2005


Dear JB:

If you are enlightened that is, if you know Truth and are using your positive prayer power energy to make a difference for good, you are already a White Knight. Each of us has our assigned tasks according to our soul contract with Creator God. If you were to be involved on the NESARA 3D team, you would have been there long ago.

These people, who are physically helping with the NESARA mission around the world are there for their lessons according to their own contracts with Creator God. We have been there and done that in past lifestreams, and have learned our lessons. That is why we are so anxious and frustrated over the delays. We could act and make proper decisions to get the job done, but that is not our task this lifestream. Our task is to hold the Light, the positive energy that counters the negative energy of Darkness. We are as important as anyone else in completing this mission. You do not know how much you are helping, my brother, with your prayer power, positive thoughts and patient endurance. Remember what Esu Immanuel said, "Hold fast until I come! Behold, I come quickly!" So be it!

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer
