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"Hello, Central!" I Have Been Watching The Starships At Night, But I Saw Something That Freaked Me Out. I Felt A Presence In My Room And Saw Something That Scared Me Really Bad

Patrick H. Bellringer

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cts. are beautiful and often blow my mind. One day I was watching a cloud formation near my sky and thought it was odd, it appeared to be following me. So I did what I felt was a very logical thing, I telepathy told it that if indeed it was following me and it wanted me to take its picture, follow me to where I was going and I would. It did and I did!! It was all I needed to prove to me, I was right about everything I had been seeing for the past year. One night I saw a star blinking rainbow colors and noticed that it appeared to look like a piece of black material floating through the sky, after about 2 minutes of watching it, I shut and LOCKED my door! It was scary at first, but I got over it by the next day. It really did freak me out! I recently had an out of body experience of being taken to other galaxies, along the way something scared me really bad, I wanted back in my bead and awake ASAP! I woke up but couldn't move, then when I could I couldn't get 2 lights in my room to work. It seemed to take forever before one finally did, I felt a presence in my room and saw something. I still can't remember what exactly scared me or what I really did see. I wish I remember, so I won't be afraid of what ever it was. I just wanted to share this with you. If you or anyone else would like to know more about my pictures let me know. I plan on taking a look at the ones my girlfriend told me about, she said others have taken them too. Thank you for your info. in the letters I read from others to you.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 12, 2005


Dear PC:

Thank you for your letter. From the night sky you are learning the Truth about the presence of starships and our Star People friends. Please know that the Darkside is not wanting you to know this information and will try to discredit Truth or to cause you fear.

Use the power of your God Spirit within and order all Dark energies and entities away from you forever, and fill your spaces with positive energy. Ask your Guardian Angels to help you, and ask for the White Light of Creator God and the Golden Light of Sananda and the Violet Light of St. Germain to surround you and protect you at all times from any Darkness. Believe that you are protected and you are! It is that simple.

Yes, I would like to know more about your pictures.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
