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"Hello, Central!" I Am Losing Faith In The Quality Of The "Ascended Beings" And Their Compatriots. Is Hatonn REally God Of Our Universe, When Our "Freewill" Gets Ignored Again?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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like "The end is not completely in sight, even with all the house of cards falling. The changes haven't been made completely in the banking system". What a contradiction to what we have til now been told!

After having told us on April 15 that we were just hours or days away, and then pretty much ignoring it, until the brief allusion in this message. The same with the earlier statement to the effect that - The Second coming will be this year, sooner rather than later and well before June 30.

I know, I am a man of little faith, by your standards, but your messages addressing all of the side issues that readers apparantly like to talk about, really seem like filler. I'm sorry again, if I don't act like a grateful sheep.

My biggest observation is that it seems the masters and the ET's care nothing about what they say to us, as almost as soon as they say it, they either ignore it, contradict it or deny it.

It's always about "free will". Everybody's free will except those of us in the know, apparantly. Our free will has been denied so many times and for so long, that that statement rings quite hollow.

Again, I say, as magnanimous as they all may seem, I believe they do not truly understand, or even desire to really understand the human condition, particularly, again, of those of us in the know, and hemorraging more and more each day. The stance seems to be, the end will justify the means, and we should not care what is happening to us now, because someday we'll be able to look back at laugh at it. Germain has said this on more than one occasion.

Yes, you can ignore this post. I'm sure there are plenty of others who worship you and beg for your wise words on some superfluous subject matter.

For better or worse, we are brothers, and it is in that spirit, that I write. It does not mean that I must agree with all that you say (nor you with me) and it does not mean I should just shut up and not speak up when all of this contradiction occurs. Can we only be friends if I agree in an unquestioning way with everything you say? That's not friendship. That's a master/servant realtionship.

You have put yourself on the line by stating you are part of Hatonns team on Earth, so won't you step up and start being a bit more accountable to us? To just criticize me or anyone who questions the goings on, is not a realistic stance, IMHO. It reminds me of those that bury their head in the sand in order to ignore things they do not wish to see or hear.

Is Hatonn really god of our universe? This seemingly callous person? This is the master father or whatever, of us all that we so long though was our ultra compassionate and forgiving father? For the first time in a long time I am scared. I am scared at that thought. He seems to have little compassion for us. He seems a little too caught up on having a big second coming event no matter what. Who is it for? Him and his buddies, apparantly, because I am sure, given the choice many if not most of us who understand what is going on, would definitely choose for something less "magnificent" to happen NOW, rather than something grand to happen some unknown time in the future. But, in spite of words to the contrary, our "free will" gets ignored again. It reminds me a bit of a couple in love who want to get married in any simple way immediately, while their parents insist on making some big overblown wedding sometime in the future, thus predicating everything on the parents desires, not the childrens who are actually the lovers.

So I am again prepared to have my post to you ignored, just as bush ignores anyone asking a tough question. I must say though it is quite unbecoming and it is making me think if your and Hatonns way of being and speaking are our grand future, perhaps I have misjudged the wonderfulness of it all. I expected the NESARA announcement about 4 years ago, before 911 hit. I can understand some delays and re-grouping, but to still be getting these kinds of messages at this stage does not seem correct. There's something more going on that either you and I are not privy to, or if you are, then it is a secret being kept by those of you "on the team".

I am losing faith, not in NESARA or first contact, but in the quality of the "ascended beings" and their compatriots, human or otherwise, who claim to be working on our behalf, yet seem to describe the story going backwards rather than forwards and tell us again and again basically to like it, or shut up..........

What say ye? Do you have the compassion to answer?


ps In anticipation of again being ignored by Four Winds, I will post this message on the PAGPAW board for others' replies. Should you reply to this, I will post it as well.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 30, 2005


Dear D:

Many of us share your frustration in not finding the answers that we seek. In the past you have asked me for answers to your questions, which you have found to be unacceptable. If that is true, why then do you keep asking me for more answers?

You challenge me and demand that I give you the answers that you want to hear. Is that not a bit childish? I have given you Truth as best I know it at that moment in time. What more can I do?

Your God Spirit within has all the answers to your own questions, if you but ask, but you do not do that. Why is that? Why do you prefer asking others for your answers? Are you afraid? Are you too lazy? Do you not know how? I have written over and over many times how to connect with your own God Spirit within and therefore to all Truth. I cannot do it for you. This is something that you must learn to do yourself.

You ask, "Is Hatonn really god of our universe?" Ask Him yourself. You do not believe what I tell you. You challenge God. Fine! That is your freewill choice. You challenge NESARA, God's Plan for our time. Do you have a better plan and could you accomplish it faster?

Really, my friend, you need to talk to Creator God Hatonn/Christ Michael yourself and not rely on me for your answers. You say, "Our freewill gets ignored again". Could it be that "being ignored" is more about giving you/us time to learn our lessons in soul growth, like patience, endurance, humility, compassion, etc.? Again, I say, talk to God about that. I am only a Truthbringer. I did not make the Master Plan and the Laws of God and Creation. If you want the correct answers, you have to go to the top. If you do not like "the quality of the ascended being and their compatriots", then you need to speak with Christ Michael's Quality Control Department. Surely, they have an answer for you.

What say ye? Do you have the compassion to shut up and listen to the God within---and learn the wisdom therein?

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D

To: Bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 6:20 PM

Subject: thank you

I appreciate your web site and thank you for your work in getting it out.

I've learned much valuable information there.

I'm leaving past thoughts behind.

Congratulations, we're almost there at an incredible new place.

NESARA is here and I'm living it

See you in a new world

