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"Hello, Central!" Many Are Losing Hope. Would You Please Write About The Statis Of NESARA At This Time?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ading around. I feel that this is due, at least in part, to people being confused. I am hoping that you would be willing to help dispel some of this confusion. The more people understand, the better they can adjust.

What I have been hearing much more than ever - on the internet, e-mails, phones, meetings, etc. - is basically this:

On our side are countless numbers of Lightworkers and White Knights and others who pray daily; Millions of star ships, star technology and our galactic brothers and sisters; The Masters of the Universe; The Forces of Light; and Creator God's Plan for Nesara now. How is it possible that all of the above are continually thwarted by the bankers, CNN, etc? It stretches people's imagination beyond belief.

I have mentioned about not interfering with people's freewill. However, I am constantly reminded that the freewill of the darkside is always being interfered with by The Forces of Light. Also, we were told that The Masters have been in charge for a while now and have Creator God's permission "to interfere and intervene". In "Enough Is Enough" The Masters actually said that They will no longer rely on or trust the military or WK to get this done. They, Themselves, will do what must be done. This being said, how does CNN, etc. still succeed in stopping Nesara? I have no answers here.

Finally, I am reminded daily of what The Masters have told us. Early this spring They said the announcement would occur by April 15 - the latest. We were told to not even pay our taxes. The people who trusted and followed that advice can now be in deep trouble. When it was stopped by April 15 They said there is no new target date - it is still on target for now. This was encouraging. However, April ended with no news. Same with May. We were then told that Nesara, First Contact and The Second Coming would absolutely be done before June 30 - at the latest - as had been promised all year. This, too, was not to be. Lastly, They said that Nesara would happen around the week of July 4th, with the other events to follow shortly and by the end of July we would certainly all be celebrating. Yet, still, no announcement.

As I said, I am not clear enough myself to help out here. I do know that I pray for Nesara every day but I do not have the answers for others at this point.

If you can reply to me about all of the above I would be most grateful. However, I think it would be much more valuable if you would discuss this on Fourwinds. My audience and influence is rather small, while yours is quite large. Your insight would probably bring much renewed hope to many.

There is also the question of what you, and The Masters, see for August.

Please consider this request if at all possible. Thank you Patrick.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 3, 2005


Dear RH.:

You ask for a simple answer to a most difficult "why" question. "Why has NESARA been delayed this long?"

First you must understand that we live on a 3D planet with freewilled human beings. This is our planet. We made the mess and we must help clean it up. Therefore, freewilled human beings must be involved in cooperation with the Star People to change things. The "bottom line" is the Cosmic Law which states that the Forces of Light, the Star People can help us, but they cannot do it for us.

Because this is true we must have 3D people involved in NESARA. Sometimes they make wrong choices and cause delays. Many of those who have continued to make wrong choices have been replaced by other 3D people and even by Star People. Our people have gained much wisdom and are now making wise choices to get the mission accomplished.

A second problem is that religion has created a great handicap for the people of our civilization in understanding Cosmic Law. We have been taught that in "Heaven" all is in perfection and everyone is all-powerful and knows everything. We believe that those of another dimension can come into 3D and do things by magic. Therefore, the Ascended Masters, Sananda Immanuel and Christ Michael/Hatonn make no mistakes and can accomplish anything we ask of them. We are learning through the months of delays that this simply is not true. They are bound both by Cosmic Law and the restrictions of 3D in their actions, and they also make mistakes.

A third problem has been the extreme resistance and tenacity of the Darkside to the coming of the Light. At one point Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn stated that even Satan was amazed at the depth of evil on Earth Shan. His evil minions had gone way beyond what even he had imagined possible on this planet. The 4D Serpent People who had come to Earth Shan with their 4D technology could not be defeated by our 3D capabilities.

Basically the struggle to implement NESARA by 3D means went on for four years until May, 2004. At that point due to the pleas of the people for Divine help and the overwhelming desire for peace on Earth Shan, the Galactic Federation ordered Divine Intervention to assist in the NESARA mission. It has taken fifteen more months since May, 2004 with the assistance of the Hosts of Heaven to arrive at this point today.

The army of the Darkside is in shambles and their warriors are running in terror for their very lives. Only a few skirmishes remain on the battlefield. Light is flooding the scene and peace is breaking out all over our planet today. Bits and pieces of Truth are being revealed in many parts of our world, as the 25,000 Star People now on our planet lend their assistance as peace keepers.

"Last week the Irish Republican Army (IRA) in Northern Ireland declared their disarmament and announced that they will use other ways than violence to achieve their political aims "(NG). Also, the Columbian paramilitary organization AUC did almost the same thing. The terrorist wing of the Basque movement in Spain, the ETA is now reported willing to follow suit. There are many other signs of positive change.

I know that you are frustrated that we have now moved into August with still no NESARA, when Christ Michael/Hatonn had promised the Second Coming by June 30, 2005. NESARA would have happened prior to that. With the 4D capability of the Darkside neutralized, our NESARA people much wiser, and many more Star People assisting, the completion of the NESARA mission is assured. I anticipate this to happen at any moment of each new day. Know in your heart that victory is here, and let us give Sananda Immanuel a big birthday party on his birthday next Monday, August 8 (8-8-8 B.C.) Happy Birthday, Sananda!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
