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"Hello, Central!" The More I Wish For Life In The Light, The More I Am Pulled Into The Darkness. Why Is This? Is There Hope For Me?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ieve in my heart and spirit that this information is Truth. For once in my life, I have no doubts about who I am in this universe. I have led a "shady" life, my friend... I cannot lie. I have been making major efforts to change my lifestyle and remove the evils in my heart. However, the harder I seek the Light and way of Truth... the more I am persecuted and tormented by this evil. My continuing battle with sexual pervertions and lust, unhealthy eating (fast food, soft drinks with poison sugars, meats) and smoking cigerettes has brought a serious drain to my spirit. It seems to me... the more I wish for life in the Light, the more I am pulled into the darkness. Why is this? Is there hope for me? How am I ever to overcome these evils and live in peace? I have read and understand the Laws of Creation and God, so I am responsible for my actions... this concerns me. For I know, what I am doing (these evils) is wrong ... I pray that God saves me from myself. Please friend, can you help me understand. Is there hope for me?

In Love and Light,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 22, 2005


Dear DE:

Thank you for your letter. I honor you for being a serious Truthseeker and for your desire to bring your life into harmony and balance again.

The Darkside does not want to lose you to the Light, so every attempt is being made to keep you in their clutches. Know that you have within you a connection to all the power and resource of Heaven with which to defeat the Darkness

Yes, there is great hope for you. You must understand that though you live in a 3D physical world the battle you are fighting is a spiritual battle for your soul. The Forces of Darkness want your soul, but you have chosen the pathway back to the Light,

Because this is a spiritual battle, you will never win by using only physical means. You must use the Power of your God Spirit within to gain victory over the Darkness. I suggest that you take one step at a time and not try to move the whole mountain you face all at once.

You first must learn to meditate. Find a quiet place where you can be alone to think without interruption. Close your eyes and focus your thoughts on the most serious problem you have confronting you. Through your thoughts ask your God Spirit within to clear out all negative energies and entities from within you and from the space around you. Ask for them to be removed totally and permanently from you, and that the Light and Love of Creator God would fill all the space left by these energies and entities of Darkness.

Start by forgiving yourself for what you have done. (I forgive myself for what I have done to my physical body and to my God Spirit within.) Next, forgive others for what they have done to you, and also through your God Spirit within tell those you have offended that you are truly sorry for your offenses. (Later, if it is possible make restitution to those you have wronged and personally apologize to them for your misdeeds). Lastly, ask Creator God to forgive you for your wrongs. Know in your heart that it is done, then drop all the baggage of the past and move on with your life.

Believe that this has happened, and see the Light that floods your soul. Feel the Love that enters your heart and the peace that brings calmness to your spirit. Relax and let your spirit soar. Know that you have the creative power within you to defeat all Darkness that ever comes against you.

Ask your Guardian Angels and Guides for their help to accomplish every task before you. Tell them what you want them to do for you and what you will do for yourself. They cannot do it for you, but are compelled by your call for help to assist you to achieve your goals. Together you can overcome every obstacle.

As a mountain is moved one shovel full at a time, so you attack and solve the problems you face one at a time. When you have removed your first problem, the next one will be easier. Your confidence grows each time you accomplish another task with the help of your Angels. Do not forget that they are there. Call upon them at any moment that you need their help, and they shall immediately respond.

You can accomplish great things when you know that you have the back-up of all the help of Heaven. My friend, that is a lot! You are a powerful person but you just do not realize that. Through your God Spirit connection to Creator God you have the same creative thought power to conquer the Darkness. Order the Dark energies and entities gone from you and they must go, but always replace them with energies and Angels of Light. That way there is no place to which the Darkness can return. You are in charge of your life. Take back your power and become the "Master of your Ship!" Therein is peace and joy and freedom. Know that in this life you need never walk along. With the help of your Angels you can Ascend right on schedule.

In Love and Light, Patrick H. Bellringer
