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"Hello, Central!" Should We Bless The Animals And Plants And Even Water For Giving Their Life For Our Food

Patrick H. Bellringer

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dying due to the fact they are giving their life (or being) for our food. Also, blessings for the plants that have given their life (or being) for our benefit of food that we may live on planet Shan. Also, bless the water we consume to keep the level of water in our bodies. Water is also a living being.

The reason for this e-mail is that I would like you to expound on this, to give me a better understanding of the spirit. Also the blessing of NESARA, FIRST CONTACT and THE SECOND COMING as that is the Spirit which comes from our brothers and sisters of heaven.

with love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 3, 2005


Dear JR:

Thank you for your letter and for your kind words for our work at Fourwinds.

Few people are truly thankful for our Mother Earth and all that she provides through all of Creation to sustain us. Everything comes from Light, from the pure Light of Creator Source. A spark of Creator Source is in every souled human being and in everything that was created.

This Light or Spirit is in every plant, every rock, every animal, in the air, the water and all that exists in our 3D world of mass, time and space. Only a few people today ever give thanks to Creator God for the gifts of nature. Each of these gifts are an entity unto themselves. They have been provided for our use and enjoyment.

We should thank nature for its' beauty. We should thank the plants and animals for giving their spirit to provide us food, and the water and air for giving us the elementals needed for our life. We should thank the good earth for sustenance to grow food crops and trees and wild flowers, and the rocks for providing the mineral we use for so many good things.

Such an attitude of thankfulness is a true measure of one's level of enlightenment. The arrogance of modern man is dissolved into humility when the Spirit of thankfulness is learned by the soul.

The Light, the Spirit of God Source permeates all of Creation. This energy of Creator Source flows out throughout the Cosmos as a great River of Life. We, as humans in 3D, are connected to it through our God Spirit within. This Cosmic energy is everywhere and fills all the space between the stars and between the atoms. We live in this river, this sea of Cosmic energy, and it provides the communication system and the energy system and the Light system and the Spirit system that connects everyone and everything to each other. That is why we can say that we are all One. We are all connected and everyone is our relative. Even the elementals are our relations.

Therefore, because of this Light/Spirit energy connection, everything I do affects everything else in the whole of Creation. When I am thankful, I make a ripple in the Cosmic Sea of energy, which spreads carrying positive energy to all of creation. This energy is then returned to me in like kind and in multiple amount under the Cosmic Law of Returns. Therefore, "let us be thankful in all things".

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
