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"Hello, Central!" How Many Will Ascend Into 5D, And What Happens To Those Who Do Not?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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small portion of the current population? I was under the impression that the majority of people currently living on earth wanted peace and unity and would be making the transition. Am I wrong? If so, what will happen with the remaining population?

Thanks for clearing this up for me and others who may have this question in mind. Thanks too for all of your efforts in spreading the light!!!




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: August 5, 2005


Dear LC:

Thank you for your letter and question. Just because a person wants peace and unity does not mean that he is spiritually prepared to move into 5D. To be truly enlightened one must not only understand the Laws of God and Creation, but must also be actively practicing them in one's daily life. Understand that no evil is allowed in 5th and high dimensions, and graduation into 5D is dependent upon one's level of soul growth.

It is true that the majority of people currently living on Earth Shan want peace and unity. Hopefully, with the coming positive changes under NESARA, the landing of the Star People in First Contact, and the tremendous positive energy released with the Second Coming of Sananda Immanuel, people everywhere will awaken to Truth. I do not know how many have chosen at their soul level to stay and be a part of the Golden Age. It is hoped that a high percentage of the eight plus billion people on Earth Shan would ascend into fifth dimension along with our Planet Earth.

In the early 1990's Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn had said that nearly two-thirds of the people on our planet at that time were clones. This means that they would have no God connection because they had no soul or God Spirit within. He also said that at some point in time Creator God could breathe a soul into any clone, if He so chose to do so. Then that clone receiving a soul would have the knowledge of right and wrong and could choose for himself to follow a pathway of Darkness or a pathway of Light. Choosing the Light would make it possible for this new human being to ascend along with other souled beings into 5D and enter the Golden Age on Earth Shan.

Those who leave Earth Shan will go to various other planets depending upon their lessons needed. Some will go to the void or "Hell Planet", where there is no goodness at all, and many will go to the new pristine planet which was created just for people from Earth Shan. There they will start over without memory and in very primitive conditions to learn their lessons in soul growth. Again, Hatonn has said that anyone who dies and leaves Earth Shan who has not awakened to truth in this present lifestream will have a handicap of 350,000 years to learn their lessons somewhere else.

This is serious business! We are all returned Masters on this planet. We agreed to come and help with Earth Shan's transition into 5D. If we fail to keep our agreement with Creator God, then we are to go elsewhere, to another "schoolroom" and continue where we left off in this lifestream. No one skips any grades. Everyone learns the same lessons, which are all based upon the Laws of God and Creation, also, called the Laws of Balance.

I am not here to cause fear or anxiety for anyone. Everyone has the same choices, to stay and ascend or leave. It's a matter of the intent of the heart. Those who have chosen to stay will be guided and counseled by the Star People, by the Ascended Masters and by their own Angel Guides and Guardian Angels. They will learn the Laws of Balance and keep them to graduate into 5D.

May we all choose wisely as we walk the Red Road of Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
