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"Hello, Central!" I Have Many Questions About 5D, Transition To 5D, First Contact, E.T.'s, Physical Death And More. Can You Answer Them?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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on your Q&A section, I have formed some questioning thoughts in my mind, that I have not yet comprehended. I often ponder the subjects of dimensions, "ETs," first contact, ships, etc. I would be very grateful for your thoughts or any information you could lead me towards that I have not already read.

I understand that we are currently in 3D, and the Astral is 4D. I am sure I have "visited" the Astral during sleep many times throughout my life. 3D and 4D is not a problem for me logically. 5D I cannot comprehend yet. Let me share my thoughts so you know where I'm coming from and then I will close with my questions.

5D, on a factual level, makes a lot of sense! All time is now, no past, no future, the ability to transcend matter, etc. All beings in 5D live peacefully and enjoy existence. Right? Is there additional "work" on 5D, to say, move on to 6D, and so forth? Will there be a veil of forgetfulness in 5D as well?

Ok now next thought. ETs. I believe they exist. After all it doesn't make sense that humans would be the only sensient beings in all of the Creator's realm. I believe ETs for the most part are loving and helpful.

I believe one day we will have First Contact. I am not too into the whole NESARA deal, money isn't a big issue for me. When will mass First Contact occur? I have no idea. I only hope that it will occur during my current 3D lifetime. It would be quite the sight to behold.

Is 2012 change to 5D really going to occur? Is the Earth really in a "Photon Belt" and that sometime during this transition, is Earth going to be physically moved from this area? I ask because I read somewhere that Earth will be moved to another system. I think this is the web link I found, there are so many.

Are the ETs that will make first contact teach us all we need to know about this 5D transition? For instance, will 100% of 3D bodies be discarded? Or will some retain the ability to keep a DNA phyiscal presence, i.e. able to be touched or hugged? Will it occur within a specified 3D linear time estimate? What I mean to say, is it something we can look forward to expect, or will it be a "surprise?" Will it be as some information says, just a discarding of the human form while the energy moves on to the higher dimensions?

How do we choose to move forward to 5D or stay in 3D? Will someone speak to us individually, or will we be told, "If you want to move to 5D, this needs to happen..." as a whole planet? I understand the philosophies about "become like a child," etc. Forgive me, I am detailed-oriented, as I'm sure you may have already guessed.

Will those that choose to remain in 3d leave their bodies or experience a physical death? Will physical deaths be a natural occurence, or something that occurs on the physical plane, such as human vs. human conflicts or suicide?

I have been told that in this life part of my contract was for me to balance spiritual and scientific matters. I am not quite sure how to go about this. It makes sense that it would be something I would decide to do, it just *fits* me. I hope that it is indeed true, as I am not yet able to retrieve the answers I seek from within, and do not know the full extent of my soul purpose. That is why I have contacted you, hoping I could gain some insight. I am sure there are others out there that think like me and often have these questions but not sure how to articulate them. There just seems to be an awful lot of vague and general information on the internet, but few details.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. K


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 25, 2005


Dear K:

Thank you for your letter. No evil is allowed in 5D, therefore, all live peaceably and cooperatively. We never stop learning no matter which dimension we are in, so we attend classes and have work to do at all levels back to Creator Source and perfection.

From what I know the veil of forgetfulness is only for those in 3D. If we had full memory in 3D we would not want to be here and would not concentrate on our lessons in soul growth. By the way, 3D is the best dimension for rapid soul growth.

NESARA is necessary to restore balance in the money area, as well as in government and bring peace to our world. NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time, and it will happen very soon. Mass First Contact is planned to happen within a few days after the public announcement of NESARA and the Second Coming 2-3 weeks following First Contact. Things are shaping up for this to happen in August, 2005.

Our planet Earth Shan will be ascending to 5D on or before Dec. 21, 2012 with or without us. This could happen sooner than 2012, if we create the balance and harmony and positive energy to ascend sooner. Our earth entered the Photon Belt in 1962 and we are well into it by now. Since 1995 our earth and solar system have been moving closer to Alcyone of the Pleiades. That is why all our stars are masked by starships at this time. Because we are moving in the Cosmos the starships give a normal appearance of the night sky, though the stars are not there as we know them.

We will keep our 3D bodies with our physical DNA presence as we ascend into 5D. We will not experience physical death. Physical death will be only for those who choose to stay in 3D for their next lifestream. In 5D we will have "Light Bodies", meaning that our carbon-based cells using chemical energy from food will have been converted into crystalline-based cells which use light energy. Yes, you will still be able to touch and hug each other. Families will again be the foundation of a peaceful and happy society.

Transition to 5D is a gradual process for us and is already happening. Some clues are the changing of our desires and needs. We need less food, less rest, desire less meat, more intimacy but less sex, greater feeling of peace and hope within in spite of an increasing chaotic world, etc. What will be a surprise to those who are becoming enlightened is the return of full memory, which is to coincide with the Second Coming of Esu Immanuel Sannada this August, 2005.

You choose 5D by deciding not to have another 3D lifestream experience. You choose to wake up, to know Truth, to learn the lies, to know your own errors and correct them. You then drop the baggage of the past and move on as a Truthseeker. You become a helper and care-giver and Truthbringer to others. There is much work to be done to wake up our world and bring all into harmony and balance again.

This is the first time ever that a whole planet and her people have the opportunity to go together from 3D into 5D. Truly, this is a Grand Experiment! We are all at various stages of soul growth, but at some point all of those who have chosen to stay on Earth Shan will shift together with our planet into 5D when balance and harmony have been restored. We will know when that is to happen. We will have plenty of help with all our questions as we move along. The Ascended Masters and Star People will all be here in droves after First Contact. Also, with full memory restored to many, we will have all the help we need to prepare for Ascension.

Those who choose to remain in 3D will, most likely, die a physical death of their choice and go to the Astral Plane (4D) and then on to their 3D destination. As you know, a pristine planet is waiting for many to start over again without memory, while others will go to Herculobus, the planet of dinosaurs and others to the hell planet of the void.

Do not worry about your pathway and mission or about Ascension. Much nonsense has been written about this. All will be revealed to you in due time. Your Guardian Angels will see to that. Be open to Truth wherever you find it, and stay tuned to your God Spirit within, Your discernment, nudges, gut feelings and inner knowing will keep you on course. You might find it helpful to read Phoenix Journal number 34 Phone Home, E.T. and Reach out and Touch Someone---Like God! (Pleiades Connection series volume 5)

Yes, you are an E.T.! You say you are not sure if they exist. Well, they most certainly do, and you are one as well! Know that you will graduate into 5D right on schedule.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
