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"Hello, Central!" What Do You Mean By "Show Them The Starships In The Night Sky?"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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SARA an all the projects of the Galactic Federation. It got my interest very quick, and was because since many years ago I was looking for this kind of information and answers, who are we?, what are our purpose to be here?, what can we do to improve things in this world?, who are those guys in those starships that we see once in a wile?, etc, etc, and all began since I had my first starship sight when I was 10 years old.

Today I received this e-mail that is a translation to Spanish of the article (What Can A Teen Do To Help Earth In Its Fight Against Darkness?) And it got my attention that you said...."even now you can share what you know with others. Truth, once spoken, is never forgotten by the mind. Show them the starships in the night sky"

My question is .. are you talking about the federation starships?? are those starships can be seen in the night sky?? how can I do that??.. I mean .. in what direction?, at what time?.

I'm asking this because since I started receiving this kind of information I had sharing this with my Family and some near friends, some of them believe, some of them not, but something very important is that a lot of people would like to believe, and I think that there a lot of them that with just a little bit of evidence they will start at least to consider it as a possibility and may be then starting to have hope on these beautiful events to come.

Same as this Teen, we are many all around the world that feel that something really good will happen soon and now reading your answer to this Teen a feel more comfortable and enthusiastic to share this information and expand the hope to more and more people every day.

I'll appreciate if you can answer my questions and many thanks to give me the opportunity to write you and ask.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 21, 2005


Dear JR:

Thank you for your letter.

Yes, I am talking about the Galactic Federation Starships, and not about any inferior military ships of our world.

There are more than 200 Star Nations who have come at this time to help with bringing balance and harmony to our earth and her people. They are here to help us make the transition into fifth dimension (5D) by December 21, 2012. For many years people have prayed to Creator God for help to defeat evil on our planet. Creator God has heard these prayers, has granted our planet, Earth Shan's wish to go into 5D, and has sent the Star People, the Hosts of Heaven to help.

The Pleiadian Star Fleet which came to our planet in 1954, brought Esu Immanuel (Jesus) Sananda to prepare for these "end times". They came with ten million starships. These are here now along with many other Starships from more than 200 other Star Nations. So, what I am saying is that all the stars that you now see in the night sky are not stars at all. All the stars are Starships which have taken the place of the stars.

Many of the "stars" flash colored lights because many starships have strobe lights flashing the seven colors of the rainbow. You can easily see these flashing colors with the naked eye. If you look at them with a binoculars they appear as a lighted Christmas tree of many colors. Other starships are flashing blue or white lights.

The starships move up and down and across the sky. They look far different than airplanes or satellites. You can communicate with the starship by thought by focusing your eyes and energy on a single starship that you see in the night sky. Think a "yes" or "no" question and tell them to use the movement up and down in the sky for "yes" and back and forth, sideways for "no". Try the question, "Are you a starship?" Now, watch the starship for any movement. If you are serious in your thoughts, the Star People will communicate telepathically with you. Try this process with the moon!

Our Star Friends are here and are waiting to land in what is called "First Contact". They come in peace and will land when we have peace on our planet. When NESARA is announced publicly in the U.S., peace will be declared. Then within about two weeks the starships will land all over our planet. People need not be afraid, for they come to help us. May of them are our ancestors.

Mr. R., I honor you for being open to Truth and for wanting to help your family and friends learn about our Star People friends. May you find the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: D.V

To: Patrick Bellringer

Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:45 AM

Subject: Starships in the night sky


I am glad that "JR" wrote you about the starships. I too, had wondered where they are and if I could see them. I appreciate your response, and the information that they are up there in force. I have seen multi-colored lights, not like the stars I remember twinking.

But my question is this: is the exercise you prescribe more kinesiology, like muscle testing, or working with the pendulum, where the movements are imperceptably made by ourselves? I believe in muscle testing as I have had direct experience with it working with my herbalist. She muscle tests me to see which herbs, etc., are best for me. I cannot hold my binoculars steady enough to be of any real value to the "yes" or "no" movement either.

But I have been outside looking at a full moon and an absolutely clear sky here in my part of Idaho, (it's now 1:45 AM) and I cannot tell if this works or not. I have STRONG desires to know, and I am very SERIOUS. Maybe it's patience. But if this is a test that is more based on my "faith" or, as religion would like to put it, "my worthiness", then where is the proof? What it is revealing is more my "unworthiness", which places the burden of proof on me...which is what religion does.

Given that intervention has been chosen to move us into ascension, that would seem to me to place the burden of proof more on the Federation, would it not? Of course, religion teaches that it is an "evil and adultorous generation that seeketh a sign" - but seeing that religion has nothing to do with this, and the prescription is what you say it can I see/know for sure? More easily & simply?

Spending nearly two hours looking almost straight up at the night sky has put a serious twist in my neck. How can I get this evidence to help me know more assuredly? What am I doing wrong? If telepathy is going to be this hard, how will I ever actually communicate free flow, both ways?

Any more insight would be greatly me, and others who may be having the same difficulties.

Thank you for entertaining this question.

In love and light....



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 22, 2005


Dear DV:

You do not need binoculars to see the starships move. Binoculars magnify movement so much that, unless they are held totally stationary, all is motion. Use your naked eye to see the starships move.

Everything is energy, Light energy. Telepathy is thought energy based on belief, faith, trust. Two people can be standing watching the starships at night and asking the same thought questions. One will see them move "big time", while the other sees nothing. Why? One believe these are starships and that telepathy works. The other doubts.

It is about focusing positive energy and the desire to communicate through thought. If you use a pendulum to communicate ( see E.T. Phone Home by Patrick H. Bellringer ), the pendulum is moved by your body energy but directed by telepathy with the Lighted Realms.

As with anything, telepathy takes practice and focusing of positive energies. Clear out the negative energies and entities that may be obstructing your positive energy, and replace them with positive energies and entities. If you leave a "vacuum" they will immediately return. Relax and focus your thoughts and energy upon a Starship and your Starship Friends aboard. Be happy and know that this is fun and that it works.

Tell your Star Friends by thought that you want to communicate with them. Then ask your yes or no thought question. Here are some ideas. Are you a Starship? Are you the Phoenix Starship? Are you here with evil intent? Will you land on our earth in July, 2005? Is NESARA for real? Are we to have more war, major earth changes, etc.?

My friend, religion teaches lies. There are signs and clues all around us pointing to Truth. Telepathy has nothing to do with "unworthiness". We are all worthy and of equal spiritual capability, as created by Creator God. We just need to tune in to that capability.

What proof do you need of E.T's? They have been screaming at us from our skies for centuries. They walk among us daily, and their energies shake us but we do not awaken. They speak to us within through our God Spirit, but we cram our conscience back inside and sit on the cover to avoid awakening to Truth. They are here under orders of Creator God, and they absolutely will land and make First Contact with us in the very near future. Welcome them in your thoughts, welcome them in the night sky and welcome them when they appear on your doorstep.

You can also see them in the daytime when they appear in the form of cloudships. The Starships have the technology to change the color of the ship's surface to match the color of the sky. Therefore, to us they are invisible. They can also raise their frequencies about that of 3D so we cannot see their Starships with our 3D eyes. Thirdly, they can cloak their Starship in a cloud of water vapor by changing the surface temperature of the ship. As the water vapor in the air condenses it forms a cloud around the Starship in the shape of the ship. These "cloudships" can appear anywhere in the sky.

I have seen hundreds of cloudships and have taken many pictures of them. They may appear among other types of clouds, stand still in the wind as other clouds blow by, or appear alone in a clear blue sky. I have seen flotillas of cloudships over Rapid City, and a flotilla of Starship in the night sky passing over Minneapolis. I have seen hundreds of beam ships over the years with various colors of lights, moving in every direction and speed imaginable. Many have guided and guarded my family and I in our travels.

The story is told of the "Wiseman" in the Bible following a star. What a joke! How do you follow a star? Stars don't move that way! In the editing of the Biblical record the Darkside removed most references in the Bible to reincarnation and to starships and aliens. In the historical record of the "Wiseman" the word "ship" was removed, where in Truth "the Wiseman followed a starship!" Proof is everywhere of alien presence.

It's funny that you got a "twist" in your neck from "spending nearly two hours looking almost straight up at the night sky". Try lying on your back on a lounge chair or look at a starship close to the horizon. To steady the binoculars hold them against the side of a tree or a building or place them on top of a vehicle. This will reduce movement.

Relax and don't take this adventure so seriously. It's not the end of your world if you do not at first "see" the starships answer your thought questions. It's a matter of learning to really, "think!"

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: WD


Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:57 AM

Subject: Help? "Show Them The Starships In The Night Sky"

Hi Patrick,

Was reading your site, am confused about the message: "Show them the starships in the night sky"

Trying to assimlate what you wrote to cooincide with the professions which should continue after the revelation. I am sure astronomy will be one of the ones making great strides as new technology is released.

1) How does the moon move up or down in response to your thoughts. It is quite big and affects the tides so having it bobbing about might have disastrous effects here on earth.

2) Those who's profession is astronomy, why haven't they noticed and published articles about the stars being replaced? They monitor the stars on several different energy bands and would notice if they put out different signals than normal. - They would also notice if they were moving about differently than normal.. wouldn't they notice stars bobbing up and down as they wiggle in response to people's questions? -If they aren't wiggling for all to see, then perhaps they are only wiggling for the one who is doing the questioning? If it is just moving for the questioner than if an astronomer does the questioning then he should be able to record the movements? Recording and publishing the movements in response to questions would be quite a find for the rest of the world who does not believe.


Pls post response if you have time.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 22, 2005


Dear WD:

Thank you for your letter. Yes, astronomy as we know it will change. We have been told many lies about the Cosmos and the laws of physics.

Your question concerning the moon is focused in 3D. Telepathic communication is using higher frequencies so that you can see the moon move in a higher dimension while someone standing next to you using lower frequencies cannot see such movement. The 3D physical moon does not move, only the higher dimension one.

Q2. Most professional astronomers see only in 3D. They see nothing different in the stars, and therefore, know nothing new. Those who know Truth and see the starships have been killed or sworn to secrecy on threat of their life. There is a vast difference between seeing with the physical eyes and brain, and "seeing" with the mind and heart---a whole dimension or more.

Hopefully, this helps with your understanding.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
