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"Hello, Central!" Many Lightworkers Are Confused About The Contradicitory Information On The Blue Beam Project, World War III, The Alien Presence and NESARA. Can You Help?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d I have been reading your messages for a few months now and reading some of the Pheonix Journals. I have been reading this type of material and have been on the quest for truth and knowledge with my spirit for years. There is so much confusing and contradictory information out at this time, I hope you can answer these questions for Im sure other lightworkers are wondering about this same stuff. I recently came across an alien resistance web site that claimed all aliens, ascended masters, spirit guides etc are bad, fallen angels who are working with the New World Order to decieve us from our Gods true teachings. Now, normally I would think that they are fear based and don't really have a handle on the Good side, however their arguements are very convincing and I was wondering if you could comment on this. It also involves the Blue Beam Project, -the taking over the world religions and power thru the New Age Beliefs- and the difference to your and Christ Micheals Nesara, First Contact and Second Coming- now obviously if you all were involved in Blue Beam projects, you would not be blowing the lid off the conspiracy, however can Christ Michael see how confusing all this is to lightworkers? How if you dont have the names of the projects, they could look like one and the same event, instead of , Im assuming, two entirely different events with differing goals- one world domination, the other world freedom? My worst fear is that this web site and all of us have been decieved by fallen angels, tricking us away from the true scriptures and path to God. It has caused me much mental anguish to try to figure out who is who and who is on the light side and who are the decievers. Also, early in the Pheonix Journals Hatonn talks about being ready for world war III and nuclear detonations, building shelters, etc.. is it right to now understand that that threat has passed with the stand down orders? What should we be doing now? Preparing, Praying, spreading as much light and truth and support as possible, but are there any actions Christ Michael wants us to do? He seemed, in the early journals to want activists- we are all passive activists being lightworkers-but what about now?

I know this is terribly long, but I have so many questions and so many have been answered here. Please find it in your heart to post the answers, so hopefully I can find some mental peace-- Thank you so very much for your time- God bless you and your family- D. W


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 19, 2005


Dear DW:

Thank you for writing. I appreciate your concern in sorting Truth from lies and to understand history so as to better understand the present.

The earlier Phoenix Journals were directed to the conditions and the needs of the Lightworkers of the early 1990's. Nuclear War (WWIII) was a very grave possibility at that time as the World's Titans vied for power. That threat has now passed and since 1998 is no longer an option As you know, a decree was made by Creator God at that time that no more nuclear would be used for evil intent on Earth Shan ever again. Our job now is not to hide but to spread the Truth of NESARA, First Contact and The Second Coming and prepare our world for Ascension to 5D.

The Blue Beam project was started by the Darkside and many religious leaders such as Billy Graham years ago as a fake Second Coming to fool the people. Billy Graham is a very rich man and not all goodness and Light as many suppose. The Blue Beam Project was spoken of by Hatonn in the Contact Newspaper and the Phoenix Journals. The plan was to use 30+ satellites around the world to create an image in the clouds of the coming Messiah, Buddha, Mohammed or whoever the people in their country believed would return. People would see this image and hear by radio beam projecting a voice of this entity in their own language speaking to them in their brain. They would be directed to board the landing (government) starships to go to "heaven".

These people would go to never-never land and be dumped into some ocean as a means of population reduction and to remove dissenters to the NWO. This plan was tried but it failed when Hatonn ordered his Starfleet to simply turn the satellites to "funny" positions which created an image of an evil devil in the sky.

The evil controllers and especially the U.S. Government and military are working hard to keep secret the presence of the good aliens by creating disinformation websites and lying movies of evil aliens and galactic wars. I am not deceiving you when I say that NESARA is Creator God's Plan for our time. Focus on the fact that we shall have peace and the Golden Age. NESARA is the first step in that process and the Forces of Light are here to help us make that possible. Anything that is contrary to this statement is evil, wrong and of the Darkside. I do not lie.

There are no evil aliens on Earth Shan at this time. They have been removed and none will be allowed to come back ever again. Darkness is being removed from our planet in preparation for Ascension into 5D. Only Satan's 3D minions on our planet have any shuttle craft, and these are presently being vaporized by the Forces of Light. First Contact, which is to happen soon after the NESARA announcement, is composed of only aliens from the Realms of Light.

As Lightworkers and enlightened people, Creator God Christ Michael wants us to hold the line for Truth and justice and freedom and abundance for all mankind. We can do this by our prayers, our petitions and our actions. Know that the greatest force and the fastest force in our world is our thought-power. Use it to help turn our world around to goodness.

It is happening, and we can help!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
