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"Hello, Central!" Let's Tell Everyone To "Pay It Forward"

Patrick H. Bellringer

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d financial difficulties. In one of her messages, she talked briefly about the movie, "Pay It Forward". So, I took the money and gave it to someone in need and did two other deeds to "pay it forward".

After reading today, June 24, about how people are whinning and complaining, I thought it would really be a wonderful thing to uplift the world and take our mind off of waiting by doing three really amazing things for three different people ...not just the ordinary good deeds which we all do from time to time but really give it some thought and come up with some things that are quite unique. Don't forget to tell them to "pay it forward", etc.

And before closing, in case this winds up on fourwinds10, I want to say how important the Phoenix Journals are for those who aren't familiar with them. After 16 years of attending Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, I was getting strong feelings not to go back. I thought I was being negative. After feeling this way for a while, I finally yelled out, "What's going on here? I need some help!" Well, help came to me big time!. Your website was one thing. Then a Phoenix Journal and while looking in the back of one of them, I just happened (yeah, right!) to look up what Hatonn had to say about JZ Knight/Ramtha, i.e. in part, ... "However, I will give you a big clue--Ramtha took leave of the organization some years past and the illusion was continued through gleaning of great wealth in purely physical format." There have been tears and great laughter at being fooled all these years. Since finding all this out (there have been many other things revealed to me as well) I have had a wonderful thirst for knowledge from these Journals. What I find most helpful is that there is an immense love that comes out of my hands as a verification of Truth when I am reading. The Masters graciously give of their time, energy and love while I devour this knowledge. I can't recommend the Phoenix Journals highly enough. They certainly don't tip toe around Truth.

May god bless you and your family for all you are doing for us. Let's just quite complaining and "Pay It Forward."



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: June 23, 2005


Dear MLS:

Thank you for your letters and wise reminder of the movie, "Pay It Forward". You are so right! We can change our world by "paying it forward".

For those who have seen this movie, they know that Pay It Forward is a feel-good family story about a social studies teacher, Eugene Simonet (Kevin Spacey), who challenges his 11-year-old students to come up with an idea that will change the world. Trevor McKinney (Haley Joel Osment) decides to step up to the plate. His idea is a game called "pay it forward". In the game, every time somebody does a favor for you, you "pay it forward" to three other people. Surprisingly, the idea seems to work, helping his teacher to come out of his shell and reveal a dark past, and bring his mother, Arlene McKinney (Helen Hunt) --who works two jobs to keep their household afloat--new freedom. Eugene (an introvert because of his burns) falls in love with Trevor's mother and they are to be married. In the end, Trevor tries to stop another boy with a knife about ready to stab another boy. Trevor steps in front of the boy and gets stabbed to death. His legacy, however, lives on and his pay-it-forward brings amazing results. His grandmother, who had not spoken to her daughter (Trevor's mother) for years is reconciled to her daughter. She "pays it forward" among other wonderful deeds people did for others because of Trevor's idea.

I especially appreciate your positive comments about the Phoenix Journals. Most people are unaware of these "Holy Books of the Lighted Realms." They were a gift a decade ago to the people of earth Shan from Christ Michael (Hatonn), Sananda Immanuel and the Ascended Masters to prepare us for these "end times" and Earth Shan's transition into fifth dimension by 2012. The basic Phoenix Journals (2, 3, 5, 7, 27, and 47 and the Pleiadian Connection Series (Journals #31 - 37) are some of the greatest gems of Truth for our time. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for people to read these Journals to gain knowledge and wisdom, and to truly understand who Hatonn, Sananda, and the various Ascended Masters really are and what responsibility they carry for our planet and her people.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
