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"Hello, Central!" When Gays Say, "God Created Me This Way", That Is A Bit Of A "Stretch", Right?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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lamed on the "God created me this way", routine.

Blessings, WB

* * * * *

----- Original Message -----

From: RAM


Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:00 AM

Subject: [NESARA CANADA] Gay Marriage from a NESARA group member

Hi everyone,

I received a letter from someone very close to me who was struggling with the issue of my being gay. This person (who shall remain anonymous) was struggling within their thoughts and beliefs for years because they were always told that expressing LOVE in any form other than that which is between a man and a woman was against the "word of God". Their belief was that I was going to "burn in Hell" for the "choice" of being gay. This concerned this person greatly as they genuinely love and care for my wellbeing. This person is a very loving person and remains close to me.

Now that Gay marriage has passed nation wide in Canada, I feel moved to share my response to this individual with all of you.

My intention is only to gently stirr your own thoughts and beliefs within yourself in regards to this issue so you may evaluate where you are at with your own beliefs. I have no mal intentions as I love you all. Remember any discomfort you may feel within you that keeps popping up as gay related subjects arise in your life, is triggered by a thoughtform that was placed there at some point and has become a belief.

My response is below...

Thank-you for your letter and your honesty. I was not surprised to receive this letter from you nor am I shocked on your position.

Please understand that my being gay is not a hindrance for me nor is it a source of any problem or struggle in my life. Struggling with my identity is no longer an issue.

You may believe it is against GOD to be gay. I do not. I know God has made me perfectly as I am as he has with you. I am a celebration of life and love. We are many races, creeds, religions, languages etc. Love has many expressions and does not discriminate, people do. There is no "sin" in expressing love in any form. That is what we are here to do. Love never hurts anyone. Its man in there limited thought that believes love can only be expressed in limited ways or in one way only. There are many examples of sexes and sexualities in nature and the animal kingdom, but that is another conversation. I, like you, have the ability to love and express that love. I believe God only wants us all to love each other and not to hurt anyone. Me loving another man hurts no one. In fact my being with someone enriches their life and theirs mine. It may challenge your beliefs; it may unsettle your stomach when you see two guys express attraction for each other. It did me at one time as I was told from a very young age by many people that it is not ok to be gay. It took me many years to heal that thoughtform in my body and mind. When I finally did I felt more at peace with myself and much more LOVE for myself. I believe we are all on this planet to love one another unconditionally. I accept who you are fully, the way you live and your beliefs and will not try to change you.

Being gay is not a “lifestyle choice”. I did not choose to be gay any more than you chose to be straight. Gay people do not make more gay people. I was raised by two straight adults as were all of my gay friends. Some had wonderful upbringings, some did not. Some had the presence of a father some did not. A close friends son was raised by his mother and a whole pile of gay men. He is turning out straight. Please remember, the church I grew up in prayed for me, over me with many people and individually for many years. I remember crying out to God to “fix” me. The answer from God took me a while to understand but was loud and clear “I am as he made me”. I believe all people on this Earth are here to learn to love each other in all their differences. We are here to learn to celebrate them, not judge them as bad or wrong. By learning to love more and accept more we ascend to a new level of reality and a new level of peace. I hope that by having me in your life this is a gift you will receive.

Thank-you for loving me always. Thank-you for wanting the best for me always.

The only thing I needed to be healed from is the thought that I needed to be healed.

All my love,



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 3, 2005


Dear WB:

Thank you for your question about homosexuality. Just because Canada has now passed a nation-wide gay marriage law, does that make homosexual marriages acceptable under Galactic Law? As RAM suggests, "God created me this way", just won't cut it. God creates in perfection. Whatever is less than perfection is man's doing.

These homosexuals just don't get it. They keep trying to change Creator God's Laws. No amount of rationalizing and explaining will ever make homosexuality acceptable in the Realms of Light. Believe me when I say that these people will find themselves in 3D when those who have chosen to Ascend move into 5D along with Earth Shan. Lessons in soul growth repeat until they are learned. No one skips a grade!

RAM is very clever in his argument. We live in a 3D freewill world but he says, "I did not choose to be gay." So, it's God's fault that he is breaking God's Laws? I think not. RAM uses the term "love" but he does not define it. Creator God quite clearly spells out the difference between love and sex.

Creator God/Christ Michael/Hatonn did not give to us the Phoenix Journals and the Laws of God and Creation as stated in Phoenix Journal #27 as a joke. Commandment number eight on adultery and commandment number fifteen on responsible and balanced procreation clearly answer all questions about homosexuality.

It is interesting that at the end of his argument to convince people that he is right, RAM says that we are not to judge homosexuals as bad or wrong. Again he reveals his ignorance of Creator God's Laws. Commandments twelve and seventeen address the issue of judging people by their actions. We are not to condemn the person but we are to judge the actions to know the intent of the heart.

If you recall I wrote an article about this entitled, "People of the Lie: Judge Wisely". No matter what laws our governments may pass or what beliefs the religions may teach, all must be judged against the Laws of Creator God and Creation, for those Laws were designed to bring all into balance and harmony, and those Laws are absolute.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer


----- Original Message -----

From: NG

To: "Bellringer"

Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:51 AM

Subject: Homosexuality

Dear Patrick,

I wish to comment on your recent correspondence concerning the gay guy who claims God to be responsible for his homosexuality, not himself.

There is one thing that I felt to be missing in your answer and that is the question what the gays can do to ascend to 5D although they are gay and I think that is possible.

You are absolutely right that practicing the act of homosexual intercourse offends the Laws of Creation. I also agree that the folks who are gay and blame this on the Creation itself miss the true point and will remain in 3D while Earth Shan is about to ascend.

I think there is one thing you should have added and that is what gays can do to put theirselves in line for ascension.

So, what is the way?

I think the first step is to realize that everything, that you represent here in your present lifestream is based on free will. Thats very true! Ok, some folks might argue that they never had chosen to be gay and that they are unable to chose whether they will be gay any longer. That is also very true!

But I think this point of view does not cover the whole story and does not show the full aspect what is 'free will' all about.

I know that every soul incarnated on our present planet has made his duty with Creator God before he was born as his mother´s child and within this duty he covered all aspects of what his lifestream will have in hold for him. That is a fact that everyone of us has to accept before he finally comes aware of what his lessons in life are.

So the undying soul, the spawn of the godlike Creation within each human being, has set the stage for what your present incarnation will be all about and each detail of it is a very special lesson in soul growth. So when the soul has decided that being gay will be a part of this incarnation, then it will be that way and your personal "ego" will not change a bit of that. But you must be aware of the fact that this is nevertheless a part of "free will" because your soul and therewith your "higher self" has decided to put it this way.

Executing the "free will" in your incarnation means not to do what your "ego" wants, but it means that your task is to find your connection with your "higher self", your soul, your godlike spawn, and with this connection to find out what your REAL will is.

This is the first step. Realize that your homosexuality is a lesson in soul growth that you are about to learn in your present lifestream.

The second step: Get aware that homosexuality offends the Laws of Creation!

The third step: Stop homosexual intercourse! When you have once discovered the core and the reason for your homosexuality, you should stop the ego-greed for such kind of practice. At any time you may ask Creator God for assistance on that way.

The fourth step: With every day you deny your sexual greed keep that very day in mind as a personal success and thank Creator God for this. Know that every day you keep yourself away from that kind of greed is another step forward to your self-be-mastering and on your way to the Kingdom of Heaven. Make sure to realize that the Lighted Realms honoring you for every single hour you get yourself focused on that way.

Dear Patrick, I think that it is not only our task to tell the people what is right or wrong according to the Laws of Creation, but it is also our task to tell the people what they can do if the waves of 3D-density are breaking upon them.

In Love & Light

