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"Hello, Central!" Why Is Christ Michael Called "Creator God?" Is Creator Source Different Because He Is Omnipotent?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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different names in the "higher realm", and the question that was answered for me today was WHO IS THE SUPREME GOD - above all others? I believe this is the answer I needed from your reply to GH July 9, 2005, and because I have asked this question of many lightworkers who couldn't tell me exactly, I would like you to expound on any details you would like to share. Here is my question:

. . . "If this is true, then this would explain why our Star Friends with us at this time have limitations. They are not all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful individuals, as we had supposed. They, too, are here for their lessons in soul growth, and many of these experiences in Earth Shan's transition are new to them. We have been told that what is presently being done on our planet has never been done anywhere else before.

Even Hatonn/Christ Michael and Immanuel Sananda have stated that they are still learning lessons in soul growth, that they are not in total perfection. Only Creator Source at Paradise Isle, who created all that is, has total perfection. We achieve such total perfection only when we, too, have experienced all there is to experience and return to Creator Source." . . .

Why is Christ Michael called "Creator God". (What did he create?) "Creator Source" is different because he is "omnipotent"? Is that how I am to understand this? This is where I was confused when you would TALK TO Creator God in your messages, as I was thinking of Creator Source at the time. Could you please tell me if anyone has ever communicated with Creator Source and why can they, or why they cannot? This would help us all to understand how we could possibly be so blessed to have communication with the other "gods", as nobody believes us "YET" anyway.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 10, 2005


Dear KM:

Thank you for your letter and questions concerning the line-up of Who's Who in the Lighted Realms.

In one of Candace Frieze's earlier messages, "What's In A Name", ( ) the organization of the Cosmos was discussed. There are seven Super-Universes, each with 100,000 universes. This means there are a total of 700,000 universes . Each one of these universes was created by a Divine Being called by a generic name which is "Michael". These "Michaels" are Sons of Creator Source. The Creator of our Nebadon Universe is Christ Michael. Christ Michael aka God Aton of Light aka Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn is the Creator God of our specific universe, and it is with Him that we communicate when we pray to "God".

We can pray to any of the 700,000 Creator Gods if we address them by their appropriate name to identify them, we can pray to our Creator God Christ Michael, or we pray to Creator God/Source of All That Is. We are all connected by thought energy, somewhat like the Internet connecting us by telephone and computer.

You are right in that Creator Source is Omnipotent. He is total perfection and pure Light energy. The Creator God "Michaels" communicate with their "boss", Creator Source, but anyone can do that, if they so desire. There are no restrictions, only the desire to do so. We are all connected by thought energy. Through our God Spirit (spark of Light from Creator Source) within, and we are all on our journey back to perfection, to Creator Source.

I communicate mostly with Hatonn/Aton, as I have known Him through the Phoenix Journals. To me this is logical because He is responsible for our Nebadon Universe, and because this is where I now live, I am also responsible for this universe and especially for the planet Earth Shan on which I live.

I hope this helps to answer your questions. I honor you for your desire to search for Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
