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"Hello, Central!" Would You Write A Brief Composition/Interpretation On "Future Creation And The Interval Of Non-Time" As Discussed In Phoenix Journal #21?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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VERSE –Incubation Of The Phoenix.

I had translated a few Phoenix Journal and some of your material to Spanish, but I can not make a good essay like yours about this future events. Since you are the Creator Source’s Education Ambassador, I would like to share with all my brothers and sisters a brief composition of yours about this subject.

I feel very blessed for all the work you and your family do for all of us. Thank you once again,

DC, from Mexico


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: July 12, 2005


Dear DC:

Thank you for your letter and your most important question concerning our present placement in the Cycle of Creation. I honor you for your work of translating the Phoenix Journals and other writings into the Spanish language. You are doing a great service for all Spanish speaking peoples.

As you know, a journal is a daily record of events such as a diary. There is no particular organized pattern to its content unless the writer of the journal returns to a particular subject on any succeeding day. The Phoenix Journals are a record of historical events and Truth presented under various subject headings received by direct radio transmissions from Hatonn/Aton, Esu Immanuel Sananda, and the Ascended Masters aboard the Pleiadian Command Ship, The Phoenix, during the 1990's.

The subject of Creation is discussed in Phoenix Journal #21, Chapters 16 and 19 (not 17) and 20, and in many other Phoenix Journals such as Phoenix Journal #31, God Said: Let There Be Light, and Creation Became. Therefore, to understand our place in the whole Cycle of Creation, we must have an understanding of what is that cycle.

All begins from the One Light we know as Creator Source of All That Is. This One Light is pure Light energy and is made of Mother Light and Father Light in total balance. All that ever exists comes from the Light Energy of this One Light.

Everything exists in cycles or waves of Light energy. We see these cycles in the seasons of the years, the seasons of life from birth to death and life again, in the waves of electric current and waves of colored light, in the functioning of atoms and living cells and the cycles of the Cosmos. The whole of Creation has such a cycle. Creation exists within a cycle or rhythm of expansion and then contraction, since the very beginning of the creation of all the worlds.

This process is referred to as Out-breathing of Creator Source followed by the in-breathing phase of the Creation cycle. The Out-breathing phase is the first half of the Creation Cycle. This phase develops from the desire of Creator Source for separateness. The Mother Energy of Creator Source is activated and the birth of Creation begins. The "sparks of Light" leave the One Light and become separate Lights and emerge into various Cosmic beings of Spirit and physical beings with Spirit. This is the expansion or unfolding phase, the breathing out of Creator Source that completes the first half of the Cycle of Creation.

The Cycle of Creation can be compared to the movement of a giant pendulum. When the pendulum hangs totally still, it represents Creator Source/the One Light where there is no movement. All is at rest. Creation begins when a hand pushes the pendulum and it begins its outward swing, when Mother Light explodes and sparks of Light are born and fly off from the One Light. These sparks of Light are set in motion and continue on their journey of experience until they are called by Father Light to return to Source, to Oneness. That is the point in the Cycle of Creation represented by our pendulum reaching the top of its swing. It stops for a brief moment, rests with no motion then beings its swing backward to its starting point.

This begins the second half of the Cycle of Creation. This second phase is the in-breathing, the contraction, the refolding and returning to Creator Source and to Oneness. At some point all of the sparks of Light of Creation return to Creator Source and become One again with the One Light. Our giant pendulum swings back to its downward most position of rest from where it started. Our pendulum example is not truly correct, for inertia would carry it past the starting point, and in that sense the Creation Cycle would be starting over again. Will that happen? I do not know. What happens next will be decided by all of us when we are One again.

With this background of knowledge we can now answer the question, "Where are we in the Cycle of Creation?" In Phoenix Journal #21, Creation, the Sacred Universe" p. 132 Hatonn/Aton tells us that, "you are very close to the middle of the cycle". The exact mid-point will coincide with the Second Coming of Christ (Esu Immanuel Sananda)! From indications at this time we are within weeks or even days of such an event.

The next question to answer is what happens to Creation and to us when this cycle mid-point occurs? At mid-point when the pendulum stops "there is a moment of complete rest, a micro-interval of non-time, a moment of eternity". This is the same interval that occurs in every cycle such as when atoms vibrate back and forth or your heart beats its rhythm. At the mid-point of the cycle there is that moment of rest. Now, what happens during this non-time moment of eternity or mid-point of the Creation cycle?

"This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation" on Earth Shan. At that moment those who are prepared will receive Spiritual consciousness and become Planetary Beings. Everything and everyone will feel this surge of Christ Michael's energy, but not everyone will be tuned to receive it. Those who are, will have "the unmistakable feeling in your heart, an incredible vibration of Truth and Love, shimmering, scintillating, awakening every nerve, every capillary, every cell of your planetary body." That is our moment of birth into real life, when Creator God Christ Michael gives us His definition in form, the definition of "Christ Himself", of a Christed Being. The limitations of the physical world will be removed as we assume again our true Spiritual Identity.

As very powerful Spiritual Beings we roamed as "sparks" of Light" through physical matter for eons of time. Finally, we found a planet, Earth Shan, on which to experience in physical form. Our vibrations influenced matter and over time caused the creation of all that now exists on our planet. We chose to encase our Spirit in physical form. We created Angels to hold our spiritual form until they were to awaken us to return to the Spirit world. This they started to do 2000 years ago. The Second Coming is the wake-up call for the people of this planet. We are now to return to our Spirit Form again. Our abilities are the same as Creator God's abilities, and now it is time to use them to restore our planet, Earth Shan, to its original beauty by putting it back into harmony and balance again. With our physical abilities we created the mess and now with our Spiritual abilities we must educate people and clean up our mess, so that together we can ascend with Earth Shan into the perfection vibrations of fifth dimension.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
