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"Hello, Central!" Historically Was Mankind Guided Away From Scientific Knowledge And Is Now Being Guided Back To Such Truth? If So, By Whom?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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-1800s James Clerk Maxwell wrote his seminal work on ElectroMagnetic (EM) Theory which became the basis for Physics and Electrical Engineering, continuing on through the present day. His work contained over 200 Equations and was done in the mathematical language of Quaternians. Note that this work connected Electricity, Magnetism and Gravity. It illustrated the reality of ElectroMagnetoGravity!! Now Quaternian Mathematics is inherently HyperDimensional and was somewhat difficult to understand at that time, as the only available technical tools were pencils, paper and slide rules.

Then, in the late 1800s, Maxwell's works were rewritten by Oliver Heaviside and his elegant 200 Equations were 'whittled down' to only 4 Equations and the Quarternian Math was translated into Vector and Tensor Calculus. Vectors and Tensors were easier to understand at that time and from that point on through today, that was what has been taught in Physics and Electrical Engineering classes worldwide. However, Vectors and Tensors are NOT HyperDimensional. They are, at best, only 4-Dimensional.

The relevance of all of this is that with Maxwell's original equations, humankind could have developed ElectroGravity around the end of the 1800s and early 1900s and by now we, as a species, could have developed an 'interstellar drive system' and could have travelled beyond the Solar System. The World Wars 1, 2 and all of the small wars along with the massive planetary pollution from burning fossil fuels for power need never have happened.

Note also that Nicola Tesla was active during the late 1800 - early 1900 timeframe and his works, too, were curtailed by the greed of a few powerful people. The truncation of the works of Maxwell and Tesla greatly altered the direction of life on this planet. However, it IS interesting to note how far we have come, as a society, using and applying only 4 of Maxwell's 200 Equations. Imagine the results when the remaining equations are understood and applied.

Now, in your estimation, was humankind PURPOSEFULLY guided away from continuing Maxwell's lead? Did we need 'maturation time'? Currently, with the advent of personal computers and very powerful hand calculators we have the mathematical 'tools' to continue Maxwell's Great Work and all that it implies. At least some of us will. Again, in your estimation, is humankind being subtly guided in these areas? By applying some of Maxwell's Equations to some works of Tesla, and others, there is the very real possibility of humankind developing the means to travel outward, very FAR outward. Are some of us being quietly 'helped or guided' in these directions? If so, by Whom? Whoever 'They are', they "feel" very loving and beneficent.

Please share your thoughts on this subject with me.

Thank You.

Respectfully, In LIGHT ~~~~~~~~ RS, Ph.D.


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer

TO: Dr. RS

DATE: July 15, 2005


Dear Dr. RS:

In my understanding of the events of history this civilization from its very beginning was planned to be the Third Grand Experiment of struggle between Darkness and Light for mastery of our planet. The agreement with Creator God was for the people to find knowledge and enlightenment and to build a planetary society in total balance and harmony with the Laws of God and Creation, without any off-world help.

Early in this process the Darkside broke their agreements and brought off-world Dark aliens and their superior knowledge and technology to our planet. Using such knowledge and technology they have strived to control our planet and her people for their evil intent. They did a good job of winning until Creator God decreed that Forces of Light should be sent to our planet (Earth Shan) to aid those of the Light and give a "balance of power".

It is my understanding that the Darkside has held the advantage in such fields as science for a long while. They have been more than 100 years ahead of the people in their knowledge and have used this as a means of control by withholding such knowledge for the people. Occasionally some knowledge was "leaked" to the people, such as television and the world wide web today, and computers, but that was never to have happened.

Also, enlightenment has brought great knowledge to those of the Light and, thus the great scientists such as Maxwell, Tesla, and Walter Russell. I believe that the Darkside deliberately led us away from the knowledge of Truth that these men presented to us. Never would the Light ever do such a thing.

Everything happens for a reason. "Did we need maturation time?" That is an interesting question. Yes, I believe so. We needed to learn many lessons in soul growth over these "lost" years of non-progress in the scientific field. We really needed to catch up in our spiritual growth so we could properly understand the realm of science. The Darkside used science for evil intent, and we of the Light needed to learn how to use science for good intent.

Is mankind being subtly guided in the scientific field today? Yes, very definitely. The energies of our world are changing to the positive, as mankind is slowly awakening to Truth and true potential. With the coming of NESARA and First Contact all the many technologies that will improve the quality of our life and that of our planet, that have been kept from us by the Darkside, will be released for our use.

The scientific world is being prepared today to receive this fantastic knowledge, and guidance is coming from the Star People and the Ascended Masters, who are here in the Starships circling Earth Shan at this time. Many of our Star Friends are also on Earth Shan, and some of them are working along side scientists and teachers and leaders to speed our waking process. They are very kind and loving people who have come to help us. In fact, many of them are our ancestors, and we shall be most surprised when we find out who they really are. We welcome them and thank them for their willingness to help us through these days of great transition.

Thank you, Dr. RS, for your questions. I hope I have provided some of the answers. May you be ever guided in your search for Truth.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
