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Bellringers Corner Hello Central

"Hello, Central!" Is The Bird Flu Outbreak In Europe And Elsewhere Staged By The Darkside?

"Hello, Central!" Toss Me A Longer Rope, Please! I Am Very Tired Of Waiting. Please Share Your Thoughts On "Focus!"

"Hello, Central!" Where Are We In Relation To The Photon Belt, And In 2000 Years Will We Leave The Belt And The Golden Age?

"Hello, Central!" I Live In Mexico. What Are The Implications For Me And My Fellow Canadians Once NESARA Is Announced?

"Hello, Central!" What Do You Suggest To Remember How To Communicate Telepathically?

"Hello, Central!" Will We Have Our Youthful Appearance In The Golden Age? I'm 75 And I'm Disapointed To Be Missing Some Of The Coming Major Shifts!

"Hello, Central!" If Aliens/E.T.'s From Other Planets Have Advanced Technology, Why Do They Look So Ugly?

"Hello, Central!" What More Can We Do To Get NESARA Announced This Month?

"Hello, Central!" More Questions! I Need Answers!

"Hello, Central!" What Does "Soon" Or "Near" Mean? Could It Be That The Ascended Masters Use "Soon" To Mean Years Or Decades While We In 3D Think In Terms Of Hours, Days Or Weeks

"Hello, Central!" I Still Am Confused On The Different Levels Of Ascension. Also, What Are We To Do, Quit Work And Help Heal The World Or Keep Working?

"Hello, Central!" How Do You Answer Those Who Read You Article, 'Heaven' and Recall The Heaven's Gate Cult? Also, Are You Prepared To Be Shot Or Burned By The Military And Government?

"Hello, Central!" Will Our Soul And Body Remain Seplarate With Ascension Into 5D?

"Hello, Central!" Will First Contact Take Place Before 2012 AD, And Is First Contact The Time For The Mass Evacuation To Inner Earth?

"Hello, Central!" What Happens If My Soul Decision/Contract Is Different Than My Intentions? My Pure Intention Is To Remain Here In Our Heaven On Earth!

"Hello, Central!" Is It Really Their Fault, If A Kid Is Born Into An Unloving Family And Becomes A Loser, And Has To Repeat Other 3D Lifestreams For Another 350,000 Years?

"Hello, Central!" Will Our Soul And Body Remain Seplarate With Ascension Into 5D?

"Hello, Central!" Did We Really Lessen The Energy in Hurricane Rita?

"Hello, Central!" With All The Coming Changes, What Is Going To Happen With Our Children?

"Hello, Central!" There Is No Perfect Time! What Is Christ Michael Waiting On?