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"Hello, Central!" What More Can We Do To Get NESARA Announced This Month?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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shifting. There is a

constant give and take, to and fro that goes on in your thinking. You are constant waffling, to use a slightly critical word. This will change when you are ready for it to happen. What is keeping you, you ask, and I wonder? I am ready for this to end, but you still must make the decision to stop it. I will not intervene in an experiment I set in motion. But you have the power to end it for me. I ask you to do that as the final part of your agreement to come here at this time. This is your task. You volunteered. Finish it so we can go on. How can you want to stay with the current situation?

What can you recommend some of us could do to make things go faster apart from spreading the news and joyful messages to others as truthspeakers and truthseekers?

I am aware this is a collective effort and therefore more light is needed to bring it all foreward faster.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. l1, 2005


Dear HVR:

Thank you for your letter and for holding the Light of Truth in Canada. Sometimes messages received are unclear in meaning because they lack the detail we need for our understanding. This leaves them open to interpretation by the Lightworkers. This message you quote sounds as though the Lightworkers are to blame for things not progressing fast enough with NESARA. That is simply not true.

Those, who are focused on the positive energies of world peace and have compassion for all people and for Mother Earth, are doing their part. Those, who understand the power of thought and are using it to create anew, are doing their part. In this message you have quoted, I believe, Christ Michael is addressing those who have done little or nothing to help, but who expect to enjoy the benefits of NESARA.

More specifically the message is directed to those who have chosen to be responsible for completing the NESARA mission at this time Patrick Fitzgerald and his cohorts need to act now and release the indictments they have prepared against the evil U. S. Government leaders, and especially against G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney. That would be a trigger for NESARA to be implemented.

We can help by focusing our energies of goodness, our petitions and our prayers on this specific situation. We must order through our Mighty I AM Presence speedy action in this situation with no long, drawn-out legal proceedings. All people who carry the NESARA Torch" must act quickly, for Earth Shan is becoming impatient, as are we. Our world is waiting for the "sunrise!"

Know that the people of Earth Shan have, indeed, tipped the scales to the side of positive energy, peace, Truth and Light The Darkside has lost "big time" and are running scared. Let us hold high the energies of Love and Light to finally drive all Darkness from our planet forever. It is time.

We petition for NESARA this week!

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
