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"Hello, Central!" I Still Am Confused On The Different Levels Of Ascension. Also, What Are We To Do, Quit Work And Help Heal The World Or Keep Working?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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aybe skip 4D and go straight to 5D. In 5D you can either opt to stay on earth and go on in everyday life and be a light worker, healer, etc.or you can ascend to ???? All of my life I have been working on me and I have came a long way, but know I still have a ways to go. Also, working towards retirement. Do I forget retirement (8-9 yrs off) and just work on me and healing the world? I am confused on what we are to do. It is hard in day to day life to fit everything in. I would love to quit work and finish my EMF Balancing with P and do Cranial work, but on the other hand it takes time and money so you have to wait. My circle of friends are healers and light workers and support each other very well. Can you give alittle guidance or point me where I need to read Phoenix Journal, etc. Thank you for your work and time.

Love and Light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 3, 2005


Dear SP:

Thank you for your letter and questions. We live on a 3D planet for our lessons in soul growth. When we die a physical death we (our soul) goes to 4D or the Astral Plane. There we judge ourselves before Creator God and decide where we go next to continue with our soul growth. The Astral Plane is a transition plane or dimension between 3D and 5D. 4D has many levels of frequencies from low (Dark) to high (Light) and we go to the frequency that matches our own. Some people stay in 4D for a long while and others cycle right back to 3D quickly. If you graduate, you go on to 5D.

This is a special time on our planet, because we now have the option to ascend in frequencies with Earth Shan into 5D without any physical death. Our planet has now reached the 4D frequencies, as has some of the people. Those who choose to stay on Earth Shan will move into 5D frequencies with our planet by 2012. We are not going anywhere, for Heaven is coming to our earth, but first in these next six years we must bring balance and harmony to our planet and her people.

We are each responsible for our own well-being and need to provide for ourselves until such time after NESARA, that we have the means not to work our survival jobs. You will know when that happens. Then you can move on to do the work you love to do in healing the world.

Everyone should read the basic six Phoenix Journals of 2, 3, 5, 7, 27, and 47. They are essential to our enlightenment at this time.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
