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"Hello, Central!" I Live In Mexico. What Are The Implications For Me And My Fellow Canadians Once NESARA Is Announced?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 14, 2005


Dear MT:

Thank you for your question about NESARA. This law was "born" in the U.S., but because it changes the international money system, it will affect every country in the world. In order for any country to participate in the new gold standard financial system that NESARA brings, each country must agree to the requirements of NESARA.

It is my understanding that each country must do at least the following:

1. Forgive all public debt to the Federal Reserve System.

2. Change to a gold standard banking system of true value.

3. Create a fair tax system for their people.

4. Change their government to be totally representative of, by and for the people.

5. Adhere to international standards for human rights for all their people.

6. Re-distribute the wealth so that there is no poverty.

7. Create peace among their people and with their neighboring countries, everywhere.

There is more but you get the picture. Please understand that NESARA is the first major step to restoring our planet to balance and harmony again. The implementation of NESARA is being assisted by Divine intervention. Shortly after NESARA is publicly announced to the world, we shall have First Contact. Our Star Friends will arrive to assist us in fulfilling the conditions of NESARA.

It may take some time for certain countries to "get up to speed", but many are already well on their way to making the changes in goodness that are needed. The U.S. Government has been the greatest obstacle to the implementation of NESARA, but that is soon to change. We pray that it is only a matter of a few days for that to happen.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
