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"Hello, Central!" Is It Really Their Fault, If A Kid Is Born Into An Unloving Family And Becomes A Loser, And Has To Repeat Other 3D Lifestreams For Another 350,000 Years?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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ave not been brought up in this sort of environment. Those kids will go into a new 3d life stream and "suffer" for, is it 360000 more years? When essentially, it is not there fault. Say they are aged 10, but had drug addict parents who were no hopers, loosers and taught them to swear, do drugs, be rude, mean etc. It isnt those kids fault. They cant remember any past lives or the experience of being sent into this 3d experience we are carrying out (and thus know exactly how to behave), but they will have to suffer again for another extremely long length of time. What if again, at the end of their next life cycle (the long one), they unfortunately were in the same situation with bad parents. I'm not saying that the kid would be completely blameless in this situation, but surely around 80% blameless.

And not to mention, there are adults in this same boat. Brought up in a non loving family, no access to information ( which i feel blessed to have had, otherwise I would definately not be where I am right now), never really given the chance to learn the lessons of love, etc. Is it really their fault? What if they were brought up in a loving family environment in this life. They were just unlucky enough that this particular life, they reincarnated into an unloving family, therefore did not learn to love, did not learn to learn, and knew not how to teach themselves. But they will suffer through another 300000 year period. Seems quite unfair to me. Essentially, are we being judged on just this life, because this is the moment at which we are being judged.

Couldnt someone have had happy loving lives prior to this one, and in this life, been born into the unloving environment? They could have been loving at other points in their souls journey on earth. Also, if our judgement is based on all of our lifestreams, what if Ive been a shit for the other 200, and just this one I'm coming good. Would I go to hell?

Sorry for these confusing questions.

thanks Patrick.



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 30, 2005


Dear PM:

Every child that has been created by Creator God has been given a fragment of Light called your soul. Your soul knows all Truth, and at the "age of accountability" the child knows the Truth of right from wrong according to the Laws of God and Creation. That knowledge is imbedded within every souled human being, and when the child awakens to this Truth, the conscience is established as a guidance system to discern right from wrong.

Even the greatest losers and environmentally or socially handicapped children have no excuse for continuing their lives in a destructive/negative manner, once they have awakened to the Truth within. Their Guardian Angels will see to it that the child knows at an early age (5-6) this knowledge.

Every person enters 3D voluntarily for their lessons in soul growth, and in most cases they each have a very specific contract with Creator God as to the experiences they have chosen to go through for these lessons. Each chooses their parents, family members, friends and what they wish to experience.

We can not look at all the negative experiences people are having from only a 3D view point. If they have chosen to experience these negative situations, it is unwise for me to judge them or to interrupt their lifestream.

This does not mean that I should not care or offer loving help to them. Our task is to offer the help we can to those who are struggling in 3D experiences, but we can not force them to accept it. They must choose by their freewill to accept or reject our assistance. We do not know their soul contract, therefore, we can not determine what is best for them. We can only offer to help. If it is rejected, we let it go and send them Love and Light.

I remind you that everyone who has returned to 3D on Earth Shan at this time is a "returned Master". We are not spiritual "dummies". We have all been through at least one of the other two Grand Experiments that have failed, and chose to return to help with this third Grand Experiment. We have all been through many lessons already.

We have come again without memory of our past lives. At the appropriate time our Guardian Angels will "nudge us awake", but for many their ego is so great as to ignore or cast aside these "nudges" as being meaningless. Some "nudges" are traumatic such as serious accidents, war experiences, and near-death situations to awaken us.

Regardless, no one has any excuse for not knowing Truth. Even the Bible in the book of Romans, Chapter l, verses 19-21 states that we have no excuse for not knowing God and His Laws, for He has revealed himself to everyone through His Creation.

Dear brother, know that there is a reason for everything that happens, and many times we can not know the reason. Know that no one leaves the school room of 3D until they have learned all their lessons in that "grade". No one skips any lessons or any grade in soul school. We repeat them until we have learned them. Then it is that we graduate into 5D. Does it matter if one is a fast learner in less time than another? What matters is that the lessons in soul growth are learned. We rejoice with the Angels when that happens.

According to Hatonn in the Phoenix Journals, the 350,000 year handicap in 3D applies to only we who are "returned Masters" in this third Grand Experiment who failed to respond to Truth. All is according to freewill, and those who return to 3D in their next lifestream have chosen to do so.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
