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"Hello, Central!" What Do You Suggest To Remember How To Communicate Telepathically?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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g to the group of people that are anxious for contact with our star family and friends but for one thing or another have not had access to literature on the subject of remembering telepathy. I'm sure that there may be many going through the same who may be wondering were to find reliable and accurate information with out the extra "fluff" or disinformation. I believe that for those of us who still lack the use of this mode of communication it is highly important to know the best and most accurate approach.

Your suggestion will be greatly appreciated.




FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Oct. 15, 2005


Dear JL:

Thank you for your letter and question about telepathy.

You ask a difficult question. We are all at different stages of the awakening process and our soul growth. We all have different contracts and pathways to complete our mission, so that what one accomplishes is different from that of another.

I am not telepathic, at least, I do not hear a voice or see a vision that gives me a message to anyone. My work is with thoughts. When I write my thoughts turn into words. I have been told that Creator God/Hatonn sits on the end of my pen, as do some of the Ascended Masters. Is that telepathy?

We all work with thoughts and are connected to the Lighted Realms and to Creator God by our thoughts through our God Spirit within. Therefore, we all have the ability to receive telepathic messages. Various people claim to be able to "teach" telepathy. What they offer may be helpful, but it is still dependent upon one's own "connections" to the world of Light and Spirit to be successful.

I suggest that you meditate quietly and through your thoughts tell Creator God what you desire. Ask for the help of the Angels, and if it is "right" for you, you will be given the abilities you desire.

Too often telepathy is not real but an ego trip by someone to create fake messages to "win friends and influence people". Sometimes the messages are, indeed, telepathic, but are coming from the Darkside. There are very few truly telepathic people today giving public messages of Truth

There are many who receive messages through their thoughts from the Realms of Light for their own use. My wife and I do this. You probably also do this. We are guided by our thoughts, our instinct, our discernment, our gut feelings and our energies. Yet, this is not considered to be telepathy, strictly speaking. Does it matter? As longer as we are guided along our pathway, the means does not matter.

There is somewhat of a fad today to be telepathic. Supposedly, if you are telepathic you are thought to be more spiritually advanced, more important in the Realms of Light, and closer to Ascension. This is nonsense! We all have the same abilities and we develop them as they fit with our spiritual pathway. We are not in some game of "see, I can do something you can't do!"

Telepathy will become common to us when our memories are restored. Gradually that is happening to the enlightened ones. Again, that happens when it is "right" for us. We are told that at the Second Coming the "Christ consciousness" will be given to us, and then we will have our full memory.

The Second Coming is to happen in 2005, as Esu Immanuel Sannada promised last spring. This means that in the coming few weeks fantastic things will be happening to us and to our planet. It will be a joy to all to have relief from the Darkness

My friend, may your thoughts provide the Truth you seek.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
