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"Hello, Central!" With All The Coming Changes, What Is Going To Happen With Our Children?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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Before to go to my questions I want to thank you and your family for all the good work that you are doing and for all the help that you give us guiding us with your answers and advices. How do you have the time to answer all our questions and in a short time? I really appreciate that.

Well… last night I was playing with my daughter, she is going to be one year old tomorrow (9/24/05). I saw her smile very happy and I said to her.. Be like that for ever my love, be happy for ever, what ever happens. Was then when it came to my mind the question … what is going to happened with our children?.. With all the changes to come….

Only 7 years for 2012. My daughter is going to be 8 years old on 2012. My wife is pregnant and we're going to have a new baby next March 2006. What do we need to teach them to be prepared?? It is possible that they arrived to this world already with some kind of preparation for this times?? I was thinking on the possibility that maybe they're going to teach us or guide us in some way instead of us to them.

If I, as a Father, shall do something to help my children to be prepared for this events to come I wan to do my best. What do I need to do??

In love and light



FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer


DATE: Sept. 24, 2005


Dear JR:

It sounds like you have a loving home. If so, your children will be just fine. All children up to the age of accountability (age 5-6) when they fully understand right from wrong, will ascend right along with Mother Earth into 5D. Those children beyond the age of accountability must choose for themselves at their soul level what they will do.

If the parents have taught their children by example the Laws of God and Creation, the children will see the wisdom to follow the same life-style. Many children today are Indigo children and are brilliant and have advanced spiritual knowledge and skills. Sometimes parents do not understand their children's gifts and do not allow them the spiritual freedom they need to grow. Many children in this situation become problem children.

Yes, you are quite right. Parents need to be open to the wisdom of their children, as many of them are well along in their spiritual understanding of 3D and, as Returned Masters, will be leaders and teachers at an early age. We are all Returned Masters, and as parents we must not neglect our role of providing love and appropriate guidance and discipline to our children during their developing years.

Parenthood carries both a great honor and a grave responsibility under the Laws of God and Creation in today's world. I honor you and your wife for choosing to be loving and understanding parents.

In Love and Light,

Patrick H. Bellringer
